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Posts posted by Alpa4ever

  1. Κοίτα είναι πολύ απλό. Πήγαινε στο Google, και γράψε "PC updater Radarsync" χωρίς τα εισαγωγικά. Κατέβασε το πρόγραμμα και θα είσαι μια χαρά λογικά.

  2. welcome

    film ur self playing some mozzart music and post it here ;D


    Hahahaha, I like Mozart, but I don't like playing Mozart so much. :D

    If you want to hear some pieces that I play you can visit my youtube channel. From forum rules propably I can't post the link, so just type "AlexiosP4" without the " and you will see some of the videos I have uploaded. Eh, one video is for "advertising" my school, so look the rest :P

  3. Hi!!...

    Well... I have to admit I am doing the things with a weird order.

    I guess because I wanted to get some money on Paypal, I didn't even make an introduction of myself...


    Anyways.. this is me! My name is Alex, I am almost 17 years old (I will be 17 in some days) and I am a student.

    I live in Athens and I go to a Music School. I learn how to play the piano and my teachers say that I have talent.


    I like to help other people if I can and have the time to help them. I think its in my nature to help others tbh.. lol

    Eh.. I trust pretty easy other people and I am trying to "fix" that because until now.. I have been scammed over 80 euros in total from trusting the wrong persons.

    Something bad sometimes but most times good is that when I promise something I always do it.


    That's all I can think of, at the moment. Any questions, just ask! :D

    If I don't wanna answer, I just won't, else you will get an answer, so... don't be shy :P

  4. Unfortunately I was stupid enough and just checked the post count and the karma which was positive...

    I should look and report section I guess. At least I hope he will get what he deserves.


    Oh.. and a little sarcasm:



    I guess he really mean it!

  5. Well.. it seems that I have been scammed, and... seems that even the people who seem "trustworthy", they aren't.


    http://img8.imageshack.us/i/27781659.png/ -- Privates messages he sent to me and convinced me to trade with "Dion"

    http://img708.imageshack.us/i/15768604.png/ -- Email he sent to me

    http://img856.imageshack.us/i/99868211.png/  -- Email I sent to him with the PSC ID

    http://img716.imageshack.us/i/44364710.png/ -- Post of him saying that is his email

    http://img571.imageshack.us/i/11731858.png/ -- 1st Page of chat

    http://img14.imageshack.us/i/40912419.png/ -- 2nd Page of chat, He ignores me


    Anything else you need just ask.

  6. Hello everyone!

    I know I am new, I actually.. just signed up but this is the only site it seems pretty easy to do the trade and seems somehow trustworthy.

    I want to trade 10E PSC to 8E Paypal.

    I will give you the PSC card ID first, but I will only do the trade with a person that is trusted.

    You can email me to emailtosellchars@yahoo.com or PM me here!

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