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  1. Server Lineage 2 cronica High five L2RT . COM exp x5000 adena x30 Olympiad game 2 week each. free elegia free weapon free boss jewels Crónica High Five Rates exp x5000, Spx2500 Enchants Safe +16, Max 20 para donor. Elements 100% chance, max lvl7 Subclass without quest. Max Subclass 3 Subclass Certification ON Buffs 32+4, Dances 16 Manapotion 1000 MP, 10s Reuse CP Potion 2000 CP, 10s Reuse Heroes selected every 2 weeks Vote reward HopZone – Topzone Zona custom obtencion de elementos PVP rank system. Armaduras custom, con el mismo stat que elegia. :not bad: Website http://l2rt.com Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/583110145033932/
  2. java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\instancemanager\AutoVoteRewardHandler.java:14: error: package com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.item.instance does not exist [javac] import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.item.instance.L2ItemInstance; [javac] ^
  3. i cant see nothing, need more post cueck!
  4. dedicated server This server offers great competition and is not recommended for novice players
  5. 1) Rates Server pvp RateXp = 500 RateSp = 500 RatePartyXp = 1.5 RatePartySp = 1.5 RCsableCost = 1 RDropItems = 4 RRaidDropItems = 2 RDropSpoil = 4 RDropManor = 3 RExtractFish = 3 RKarmaExpLost = 2 RSigeGuard = 1 RQuestDrop = 3 RQuestRwrdXP = 3 RQuestRwrdSP = 3 RQuestRwdAdena = 3 RateQuestReward = 3 Server Low RateXp = X5 2) Server Site Link http://l2nation.com 3) General server information and everything else you think is necessary. Evento CTF: 16:00,20:00,23:59 Evento TVT : 15:00,18:00;21:00,3:00 Last hero : Cada 8 Hrs. Trivias : Después de las 20 Hrs Invasión Elpy : Aleatorio 1 vez al día Evento carrera : Aleatorio 1 vez al día Conejo Cazatesoros : Aleatorio 1 vez al día Town War : Aleatorio. Asedios : Todos los domingos a las 18:00 Hrs Territory War : Todos los sabados a las 18:00 Hrs Raidboss Custom Bronce : Re-Spawn 3 horas Plata: Re-Spawn 6 horas Oro: Re-Spawn 11 a 12 horas.
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