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Posts posted by Kelly

  1. Watch this video and pay MUCH attention to the cursor when this guy fights.

    Looks like he can someway switch targets within his screen view with a defined button.

    More simple he is pressing "tab" for example and that makes his cursor hover or even target anything that's on his screen.

    Here's the vid :

    Look carefully when he presses ctl - the cursor tries to move away from his target but it keeps coming back.

    Like a counterstrike's aim bot.

    Is that possible to be done for l2?

    Thanks for your time.

  2. Vengence and DirtySanchez works perfectly!Also i know that retribution is not in the walker


    Couldnt connect to Vengeance- i tried some mins ago that it was up and got game server login fail error.

    Can u try again and tell me if it works?And add retribution if u know the ip and protocol.

    Thanks !

  3. U can run it all fine without the gameguard using a gameguard emulator.

    BUT i cant make walker work.Neither ingame or outgame.

    Oh and the loader with the irc mod they made is the worst thing ive seen over the internet.

    Just make an l2 shortcut LOL.

    Their loader is crap.PURE crap - stinks from miles.


    @silent : find me a job already :D and greetings to palouke ;)

  4. I doubt you'll get any help with that attitude, so yeah... You're free to go -beep- yourself and be a little bit more polite. No one's here to serve you, GET IT RIGHT nigger.


    Yo Pyromaker u queer, i am being polite so if your nigger site cant help ppl then delete the bloody forums cause u are all USELESS.

    I know where the door is.

    I just thought "Hey,why dont i give those faggots another chance to prove they are worth of something?".

    Do u think i have time to troll your jewish forum all day?I have WAY more important things to do like work,take care of my family and do stuff most of u have only heard of.

    So yeah u can ban my forum account or my ip even cause obviously this is a site where only greek/albanian retards who cant even get a proper nickname get help,and i am not one.

    So i wish u good luck with w/e u jewish niggers do from now on.Bye.

  5. I try to log in to L2Supreme with ingame walker ver. 1.46 and i get this critical error message:


    General protection fault!


    History: FL2GameData::EulaLoad <- FL2GameData::Load() <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine


    I'll try to be as more polite as i can be and tell u that i DID FUCKING SEARCH BEFORE I POSTED.

    It's the 3rd-4th time i ask for help guys and all i get is to use the bloody search button.

    Well i found only one thread about l2Supreme and it seems that everyone stopped working on this server a long time ago.

    Any progress?All i ask for is a working ingame walker...U can pm me if u want...

    I expect someone to help me somehow this time or i will sadly have to delete this website from my bookmarks and find another one where ppl dont just sit on their lazy ass telling others to use the search button.

  6. I'm playing on L2Revenge.

    Ingame walker was always working fine for me but lately i noticed something strange.

    I can log in and everything is alright but when i teleport somewhere i get disconnected.

    Same happens if i soe and sometimes when i lag a lot.

    And its not just me.Many ppl from my clan and alliance are having the same problem so we dont use IG walker anymore.

    Any ideas if its some kind of anti bot system or is it just wrong walker version?


    BTW outgame walker works absolutely fine.No disconnects, no nothing.

    The ingame walker version we are using is 1.46 and the server is L2Revenge.

    Its C4 retail files with some c5 areas and skills added.


    If anyone has any idea what can solve this disconnect issue, please help.

  7. Server is an 10x rates l2j c5(i dont know if walker works on l2j servers)


    Website is :http://www.templebgh.com

    #L2 Temple L2authd.lineage2.com <--- That's the thingie u paste in hosts file


    I know how to use walker but not to set it up :D

    If anyone has free time to check it out and help me i'd aprreciate it a lot.

    I'm more interested for ingame walker but outgame could do the work as well.

    Please help.

  8. Paidia akyro.Vrhka ti ftaiei.De kserw gt alla to hosts mou htane "adeio" enw eixa ta hosts gia panw apo 10 servers to vrhka na exei mono ta stadar.Ekana copy paste ta hosts tou global kai douleuei ok.

    Giati na svisthkan arage?Egw de to peiraksa to hosts...

  9. Paidia katevasa to L2walker gia ton global apo to link pio panw prin 5 hmeres kai douleue teleia mexri mia wra peripou.Anoiksa to pc,etreksa to l2authserv kai mphke kanonika sto server(ekane login kanonika).Alla otan to evala na xparei opws synhthws den ekane tpt apolytws.Oles oi rythmiseis IDIES me tis prohgoumenes meres.Pathsa loipon "home" kai meta "Other Control" kai ekei pou leei "verify" elege verify fail...Kserw na xrhsimopoiw l2walker kai den ekana kati lathos sto setup ktlp.Douleue GG gia 5 meres-Kamia idea ti ftaiei kai pws diorthwnetai?

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