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Everything posted by MarLb0r0LiGhT^^

  1. kalo m fenetai..8a to dokimasw fusika..kai 8a epixeirhsw na to valw kai se allo chronicle :p keep going file ;)
  2. File wraia kai ta npc kai ta items ! Kalh doulia ..kai na sunexiseis na etsi.. ;)
  3. Kala ta npc! Apla exei 3anaginei share poles fores opws idh eipan polloi..alla olloi apo kapou arxizoume ! :P me ton kairo s prwteinw na e3oikiw8eis wste n kaneis kai dika s npc ;)
  4. 1on file nomizw oti dn 8a eprepe na kaneis auto to topic edw . .alla auto asto n to krinoun oi armodioi 2on gia na mpw sto 8ema..uparxoun arketa topics me l2j projects..kai s prwtinw na psa3eis monos s oste na vreis esy auto p 8ewreis kalo kai na armozei stis idiaiterothtes sou!
  6. apo guide to ekana kai egw.. kai panw apo 5 fores.. omws v evgaze to idio... guide-->http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=50068.0
  7. Paides ligo help ama mporite ! Kanw MySQL Server kai einai olla mia xara !! Meta anoigvw navicat kanw new connection! pataw na to anoiksw meta kai m vgazei afto : Uploaded with ImageShack.us ama mporei kaneis as m pei ti na kanw please !!
  8. Hi paides.. xriazomai ligo help.. kserei kaneis kana kalo programm (free) p mporw na katevazw polla youtube videakia se mp3 tautoxrona ?? dn mporw na vrw .. thnx!!
  9. Hello..welcome to MxC community.. have fun and of course follow the rules !! :)
  10. Guide gia to na leme to flitzani dn exei?? stenaxwrithika twra.... :( :P :P :P
  11. kai to gelio paei sunnefo.. :P
  12. Sorry dude ! The links will be fixed very soon !
  13. Lelouch Nice share !! Generally all your shares are handy and useful for almost every one !!! But i have to maintain something ... sorry but in your topic you use the word "WITCH" instead of "WHICH" !!! You use two words with diffent meaning !! Just for a remark !! ;) ***KEEP WORKING LIKE THIS***
  14. Λογικά λέει εδώ !! Απλά δες την εικόνα !! Καλή τύχη εάν λέμε τώρα ήθελες να κάνεις Donate στον Elite .. ;)
  15. Update v3 !! 30/1/2011 !! WebSites Added : [Lineage 2 Inc] [Lineage 2 Country] [Lineage 2 Sevent] [Lineage 2 Kain] [Lineage 2 The Game]
  16. Lelouch very nice share !! You just owe you a thanks !!! :D
  17. SethPDA welcome to MaxCheaters Community !!! Have fun and enjoy !!! Just remember ... Is not your reality life !!! ;)
  18. xD !! Sometime I wanted but I didn't find it anywhere .. So I decided now to Upload it .. :P
  19. Update v2 is "realised" !! Added below BewSites : [Lineage 2 Official] [Lineage 2 Atlantis] [Lineage 2 Sirium] [Lineage 2 Vitality {Pegasus}]
  20. Ohh .. xD .. Ευχαριστώ GoldenBoy για την σημείωση !! θα το διορθώσω αμέσως !!
  21. MixMaster, ναι μπορείς να τα βάλεις! Θα λειτουργούν αρκετά καλά ως άψογα ! Λοιπόν λειτουργούν άψογα !!! ;)
  22. Ok Lelouch ! I want just to add more and more websites to only one post ... This may help guys finding websites in thousands of posts which is almost impossimple here in Off Topics ! Thnx again ! :P
  23. Ναι το πρόσεξα αυτό !! Και εγώ θεωρώ ότι είναι λίγο υπερβολή !! Θα το κάνω το NPC Edit και θα το κάνω Share ! Thanks !
  24. Could you tell which are these to remove them ?? Why I can't find them enywhere when i search ? xD ! Thanks for your notification !!
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