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About L2Weezy

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. and where is the web site?.___.
  2. This is not my server! i just posted it!
  3. Lineage II Umet L2Umet Website | L2Umet Forum OPENING TODAY (18/2) AT 20:00 GMT +1 General Information -1500x Experience , 1500x Skill Points , 2000x Adena , 2x Drop. -Safe enchant +0 , Max enchant +8. -Enchant rate with normal enchant scroll 35% , 35% with blessed enchant scroll, 100% with crystall enchant scroll -Server based in the pvp. -There are not custom items. -New heroes every two weeks, castle sieges every two weeks. -You haven't to make quests , automaticaly class changer , noblesse item selled at shop. Unique Features -Not powered donations , 1 donator = 1 normal player. -News players can kill easy old players , due a extra power for the news players. -Farming system based in the pvp. Diferents farm areas where you get differents items killing an enemy. -PVP system quite similar to retail. Class balance is almost complete. -Fully operational skills. -Olympiad retail like , without any powered class there. -Well developed custom events, team vs team , capture the flag. -Powerfull dedicated server, Intel® Core™ i7-980X Hexacore , 24 GB DDR3 RAM. 3x 120 GB SSD. -No raid boss jewels. Server Protection - Anti-Bot System. You can't join with programs like L2Net , L2Walker. - Anti-Cheat System. You can't join with l2phx , l2haplex . - DDOS Protection System. High security versus attacks. Links L2Umet Website | L2Umet Forum | L2Umet Facebook Page
  4. hahaha u can ask who ever u want if have lag xd lol
  5. Hhaahah you are so funny or u got a rlly slow internet conextion :) there is no lagg :)!
  6. Prices fixed* Donations are for paying the dedicated server only!
  7. All the info in the website just take a moment and visit www.l2weezy.com
  8. L2 Weezy international very balanced server! Big opening 15/01/2011 www.l2weezy.com L2 Weezy Features L2 weezy is a server 100% interlude NO-CUSTOM and very balanced Rates: Xp: 100x (with some retail areas where mobs gives double exp) Xp party: 1.5x Sp: 100x DropAdena: 100x Quest: 10x DropItem: 1x Enchant Rate: Safe Weapon: +3 Safe Armor: +3 Safe Full Armor: +4 Safe Jewelry: +3 Max Weapon: +18 Max Armor: + 14 Max Jewelry: +14 Normal Enchant: +65% Blessed Enchant: +75% Cristal Scroll Enchant: 100% Extra: -Server protected anti-hack/exploit and gms corruption -Main town Giran -Server 95% Balanced -Sub-Class: Item in gmshop (no quest needed) -Nobles: with quest + items in gmshop -Full Geodata -Full interlude skill (retail) -Auto learn skill -Active Staff -Fair donations that wont unbalanced the server and wont overpower donators! -Farm/pvp area (Monastery of Silence). Easy farm -Hard pary area (Dino Island) Npcs in town: Npc buffer Gmshop Gk Global Npc Argumentaciones Npc Skill Enchanter Buffs Info: Buff time: 1h Buffs Slot : 24 + 4 (divine inspiration) www.l2weezy.com
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