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  1. http://boards.rochand.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=93
  2. I'm sad please lock.
  3. Who can help? I'm waiting
  4. Please share svn all java server
  5. Thank you please lock....
  6. Thank you so much. It nice.
  7. ### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0 #P L2_GameServer Index: java/com/l2jserver/Config.java =================================================================== --- java/com/l2jserver/Config.java (revision 4420) +++ java/com/l2jserver/Config.java (working copy) @@ -667,6 +667,7 @@ public static TIntIntHashMap TVT_EVENT_FIGHTER_BUFFS; public static TIntIntHashMap TVT_EVENT_MAGE_BUFFS; public static boolean TVT_ALLOW_VOICED_COMMAND; + public static List<int[]> TVT_EVENT_REWARDS_KILL; public static boolean L2JMOD_ALLOW_WEDDING; public static int L2JMOD_WEDDING_PRICE; public static boolean L2JMOD_WEDDING_PUNISH_INFIDELITY; @@ -2205,6 +2206,7 @@ else { TVT_EVENT_REWARDS = new ArrayList<int[]>(); + TVT_EVENT_REWARDS_KILL = new ArrayList<int[]>(); TVT_DOORS_IDS_TO_OPEN = new ArrayList<Integer>(); TVT_DOORS_IDS_TO_CLOSE = new ArrayList<Integer>(); TVT_EVENT_PARTICIPATION_NPC_COORDINATES = new int[4]; @@ -2278,6 +2280,28 @@ } } + //////////////////REWARDS KILLS By Z!T!oN//////////////////// + propertySplit = L2JModSettings.getProperty("TvTEventRewardKill", "57,2").split(";"); + for (String reward : propertySplit) + { + String[] rewardSplit = reward.split(","); + if (rewardSplit.length != 2) + _log.warning(StringUtil.concat("TvTEventEngine[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> TvTEventRewardKill \"", reward, "\"")); + else + { + try + { + TVT_EVENT_REWARDS_KILL.add(new int[]{Integer.parseInt(rewardSplit[0]), Integer.parseInt(rewardSplit[1])}); + } + catch (NumberFormatException nfe) + { + if (!reward.isEmpty()) + _log.warning(StringUtil.concat("TvTEventEngine[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> TvTEventRewardKill \"", reward, "\"")); + } + } + } + //////////////////REWARDS KILLS By Z!T!oN//////////////////// + TVT_EVENT_TARGET_TEAM_MEMBERS_ALLOWED = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JModSettings.getProperty("TvTEventTargetTeamMembersAllowed", "true")); TVT_EVENT_SCROLL_ALLOWED = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JModSettings.getProperty("TvTEventScrollsAllowed", "false")); TVT_EVENT_POTIONS_ALLOWED = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JModSettings.getProperty("TvTEventPotionsAllowed", "false")); @@ -2362,7 +2386,6 @@ } } } - BANKING_SYSTEM_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JModSettings.getProperty("BankingEnabled", "false")); BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS = Integer.parseInt(L2JModSettings.getProperty("BankingGoldbarCount", "1")); BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA = Integer.parseInt(L2JModSettings.getProperty("BankingAdenaCount", "500000000")); Index: java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/model/entity/TvTEvent.java =================================================================== --- java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/model/entity/TvTEvent.java (revision 4420) +++ java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/model/entity/TvTEvent.java (working copy) @@ -841,6 +841,42 @@ CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay(killerPlayerInstance.getObjectId(), Say2.TELL, killerPlayerInstance.getName(), "I have killed " + killedPlayerInstance.getName() + "!"); + //////////////////REWARDS KILLS By Z!T!oN//////////////////// + SystemMessage sysmsg = null; + for (int[] reward : Config.TVT_EVENT_REWARDS_KILL) + { + if (ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(reward[0]).isStackable()) + { + killerPlayerInstance.addItem("TvT Kill", reward[0], reward[1], killedPlayerInstance, true); + + if (reward[1] > 1) + { + sysmsg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_S2_S1_S); + sysmsg.addItemName(reward[0]); + sysmsg.addItemNumber(reward[1]); + } + else + { + sysmsg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_ITEM); + sysmsg.addItemName(reward[0]); + } + + killerPlayerInstance.sendPacket(sysmsg); + } + else + { + for (int i = 0; i < reward[1]; ++i) + { + killerPlayerInstance.addItem("TvT Kill", reward[0], reward[1], killedPlayerInstance, true); + sysmsg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_ITEM); + sysmsg.addItemName(reward[0]); + killerPlayerInstance.sendPacket(sysmsg); + } + } + } + + //////////////////REWARDS KILLS By Z!T!oN//////////////////// + for (L2PcInstance playerInstance : _teams[killerTeamId].getParticipatedPlayers().values()) { if (playerInstance != null) Index: java/config/l2jmods.properties =================================================================== --- java/config/l2jmods.properties (revision 4420) +++ java/config/l2jmods.properties (working copy) @@ -179,6 +179,10 @@ # Example: TvTEventReward = itemId,amount;itemId,amount;itemId,amount TvTEventReward = 57,100000 +# Reward for kill by Z!T!oN +# Example: TvTEventRewardKill = itemId,amount;itemId,amount;itemId,amount +TvTEventRewardKill = 57,2 + # TvTEvent Rules TvTEventTargetTeamMembersAllowed = True TvTEventScrollsAllowed = False Please help or you have new code support l2jserver High Five beta Code error can't add l2jserver hive five beta sysmsg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_S2_S1_S); sysmsg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_ITEM);
  8. Thank you so much. I can use it so good. Please lock.
  9. Help.... com.sun.tools.javac.Main is not on the classpath. Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK. It is currently set to "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6"
  10. You put file localization.ini in my system for thai It can change langue thai to en But i want use system en Because system thai bug status and Character This link...system en please add langue thai http://www.4shared.com/file/fjZtwr9m/High_Five.html Thank you so much. If you add langue thai to system eng and reload send link to my msg
  11. You put file localization.ini in my system for thai It can change langue thai to en But i want use system en Because system thai bug status and Character This link...system en please add langue thai http://www.4shared.com/file/fjZtwr9m/High_Five.html Thank you so much. If you add langue thai to system eng and reload send link to my msg
  12. You put file localization.ini in my system for thai It can change langue thai to en But i want use system en Because system thai bug status and Character This link...system en please add langue thai http://www.4shared.com/file/fjZtwr9m/High_Five.html Thank you so much. If you add langue thai to system eng and reload send link to my msg
  13. Mr.CriticalError please cheak you msg.
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