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Everything posted by vipernestas

  1. Items 4 sale: *Tallum robe set +3 *DC robe set x2 x1 *MJ robe set x2 *MJ light set +3 *NM light set *NM robe set *Tallum H set *TTS set +3 *AM+acu+5 *DB+5 *Adena 500kk Acc 4 sell: * SPOIL 80, TH 70 * Elf summoner 76 * SPH 77 * Cardinal 77, sub ES, SPH 74 * BD, SWS 70+ * PRP 76+
  2. First of all hello, I'm selling power lvlup & items on L2Mid. What U get? - main lvl 80(1-2days), sub lvl 75(1day), any A grade set and S grade weapon.(if i have a client, u have w8 until i finish with him) What U have to do? - Nothing, create acc, create char, and write me your id and password and forget about it for 1-3 days. U want enchanted weapon, can u have it? - Yes! How it works? I give U weapon+3 x3 and 3ews. If U sucsess 3guns +4 ill give U more 3ews. U sucsess 2guns +5, U get more 2 ews. U get ews untill 1 weapon left. *4money u can get almost everything. **w8ing for request. ***2 chars max ****paypal only *****no epic jewel ******maximum 5 guns for enchanting *******50% before,50% after ********u can ask anything, what u want to get on L2Mid.
  3. working tower on l2mid server, offers in pm.
  4. tallum robe set dc robe set tallum h set tts set +3 aa 60kk adena 0.5kkk pm 4 skype, paypal
  5. STOP! rly, stop flooding forum with your beging
  6. omg... stop crying... pitiable...
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