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About Belial666

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  1. Someone should move this thread to the right section. Btw server is awesome, although all the problems at the start. I sure recommend it.
  2. BBANHAMMERR? Hahaha, why dont you reopen l2forever then? What a f|_|ckin retard and shit coder you are. Your server sucks, your l2 knowledge SUCKS, your future sucks, your english sucks, your staff sucks, you suck. Also you have stolen a website LMAO.
  3. Spend more time learning English, then reply. Nobody owes you an apology, you owe an apology to the entire L2 community due to your lack of coding skill and L2 knowledge.
  4. Neither effin can I lol. I was never so enthusiastic about a servers opening.
  5. Pretty nice gesture, merry xmas!
  6. Rofl you shit retarded coder, if that was true, the numbers would change between 10 people online to 500 and from 500 lower in a matter of seconds, ALSO there would always be 0 at the end of any player number (for example : 10, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300...500) Try to use your logic (if you have any).
  7. Karthus is for newbs, Soraka is nice :)
  8. Wtf, there's something wrong with you, YOU criticise every server except for LineageLOLrebound.
  9. I dont believe anything you say since you play on other servers lol, stop spamming threads if you are already playing somewhere else and dont like competition. We will see how this server will go, I will check it for sure, admins are active all the time and are really helpfull, many players like it and CURRENTLY it seems nice, hope it will stay the same way. I suggest you to f|_|ck off if you dont have any proof that server isnt trustworthy.
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