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About Garuda

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  1. thanks you, russian is hard traslate
  2. me too am looking for add second language to client, i will check it
  3. Thanks you for the share, i would like tauti armor soon.
  4. This system is not clean system 83, crashed with some npcs.
  5. I am looking for full gracia client pts system 83. thanks in advance
  6. yes these files are useless without valid license
  7. Hi, i am looking for clean gracia final protocol 83, thanks in advance.
  8. Hi, i am getting this error when enter the world later pick up cursed weapon when i was ridding strider in interlude server off, anyone know as fix it? Looking in database weapon is inventory but dissarmed.
  9. You have add command name to "CommandName-e.dat" in your system folder.
  10. I'm having this problem with the manor system.On cached windows show this message and don't show seed and crops in manor manager.
  11. look in vanganth`s site in changelogs section AIO scritp changed
  12. not, some zone changed in gracia epilogue, pavel ruin, den of evil, crypt of dissagree, archaic laboratory now are high level zone and news mobs level 80 more or less.
  13. Windows server 2003 SP2 and msql 2005 sp4 x64
  14. I have itemdata.txt with item id 10000 or above and have not crashes when when l2npc is running.
  15. Thanks for share, now i can ripped some correct npcpos from c5
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