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Everything posted by Livity

  1. Hello I would like to hear some opinions from experienced low rate players: Can summoner pvp on low rates at all? Against mages? against fighters? And about elemental summoner, I heard its awesome at AOE killing, but at 54 lvl it seems like I can barely stand 2 mobs ^^ Any tips? Thx in advance. Sorry if there was similiar post, but search button doesn't work.
  2. Scarface, You are obvious hater. What you are doing is just listening server, its impossible to login l2sevent with l2net. Your l2net should say something in the "l2net prompt" when you login. Now its just saying that it listens server. FAIL.
  3. Finally a server without +100000 items and donations.. That is enough for me. I haven't seen any unbalance either, lvl 9 attribute system isn't that bad as you think.
  4. +1 I have played there for while, and I really like it. No botters or donators.. just lovely!
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