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About nawearg

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  1. Use L2NeT, work on all servers, execept server have captcha
  2. http://l2rov.com.ar x8 Server :)
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=194343.0
  4. Not the same source code, I modified to run on multiple ranks
  5. Hello community, I am offering to Hopzone Vote Reward System. WORK PERFECT in L2J Server Freya Rev's , and others L2J Packs Important Features - It's a java code - No need to upload files to our web-host - It's automatic - No need to create tables in our database How it works? - The server takes the number of votes - Every 30 minutes (You can set the time), check if you have arrived at the number of votes required to present awards - Once you reach the required score presents the award to all online users (only one prize per ip, you can change reward of votes) Price? 5$ Dollars Pay method? Paypal Contact me: nawepaz@gmail.com (Add me is MSN) If u see Vote System Reward Working send pm me, i send webpage of my server. Screen Shots:
  6. I dont undestearn
  7. Server Rates Exp: x8 SP: x10 Adena: x8 Drop: x5 Spoil: x5 Manor: x2 Enchant Info Safe Enchant +3 Max Enchant +20 Normal Enchant Rate 60% Blessed Enchant Rate 60% Server Custom's Sistema de Casamientos Geodata – Pathdones Manor Fish Rent Boat Loterry Four Sepulchers Champions (Frequency 8%) Sieges Clan Hall Unstuck 60 Secs Spawn Protection 20 Secs Buff Time: (Basic: 20Min ; Dances/Songs 10Min ; CoV/Profecy 5Min) WeightLimit (Limite de Peso): x4 Death Penalty Chance: 20% Class Master (1°Class Free ; 2°Class 800k ; 3° Class 20kk + 50 Glitering Medal) Free SubClass (Not need Quest) Vitality System Spawn Protection 30Secs Walker Protection Phx and Hplex Protection Sql-Injection Protection Anti DDos-Flood [Event's Event-Medal Christmas-Event Check you Luck Team Vs Team Find Lost NPC Much More. Server Npc[/color] Class Changer GMShop: Venta de Items C/B sin sellar(Jewel's-Armor) y con S/A (Armas) ; Venta de Sets y Jewels A/S (Sellados) y Armas A/S sin Special Ability. Event Shop Global GK Npc Buffer with Basic Buffs (Wind Walk,Acumen,Haste,Shield,Might,Empower) Web http://l2rov.com.ar Forum http://l2rov.com.ar/foro
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