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Everything posted by Ilene

  1. any one know what has happened to the l2net webpage?
  2. yep i think the same ^^ but its funny with what people pm me here :D
  3. yes and i sell 4 Acc's (with 4 main Chars with gear[there are more below level 70 chars on it]) for 2k so it's a good price ;)
  4. nice :3 first post and it's a direct fail btw, care?
  5. up and Happy new Year to all :D
  6. lol take a look on lineage2.com how it is atm, how many still use this stuff. GM's are controling players really hard, even on the Siege field's now they banned a lot of players in the last time for it ;)
  7. 1kkk cost €236.8 (http://www.itemgarden.com/client/g/prices.jsp?sid=4908&lan=en&v=20101230043640) Antaras cost ~5kkk -> 1184€ Valakas Cost ~5kkk -> 1184€ this is not a Free server wher you pay the GM 200€ and you have all, and atm they are really good on hunting all Bot's down!
  8. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=12.0 "Items & Chars Here you can buy/trade/sell iteost tms and characters for private and official servers." rules also says : "Official Server sales/trades are also included." so i think it's ok to post it here ^^ and i hope that i did post to many infos so that NCSoft find me ;)
  9. for the ofiicial Servers it's a normal Price but i think you are right not many here play on it, so i think i have to take a new look where to sell it ^^
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