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Everything posted by Doombringer

  1. well.. as i can see wrong forum to post a request. anyway we got the staff now. dpbBryan.. we laughed "a bit"... but ure seriously not funny . and yea darthvader.. u cant learn java if u got some skilled guy who is teaching by examples u can see live. anyway.. have a nice day kiddos
  2. Tryskell smartass. if u would read the post carefully u would see that it is a non-profit server wich means there are no donations. The server will be uploaded for ppl (actually the further staff) who want to learn something about java - learning by doing - . Its not like a server its more like a project and i want to give ppl the chance to get into this. Btw I know something about java but in a totally other way of programing. It isnt a counter - attack its just a "omgreadthepostcarefullyandifudonthavesomethingserioustosayjustleaveit" post. thank you
  3. i dont need any answers to any problem. i am looking for a java developer who can help me out developing a faction server on a rent root server. - u have to edit a few things with me in datapack i preconfigured so far. - get it running on the root server - coding few inspirations [move]service will be paid immediately ![/move]
  4. Hello guys. I stoped playin Lineage II since 6 months and started readin books about java and several other stuff. I am looking for a good staff to dev a server with me. (it should be a non profit server -no donations- and based on learning java and other languages). Only thing i am def sure is : it should be a faction server. Ive got a root server located in germany : Space : 200 GB Domains : 50 Ram : 4 GB Dynamic Ram : 8 GB CPU : 2x 1,5 GHz With 2 own Ip's Should be enough to start working on. No costs for the staff or 3rd persons. What i am looking for? ~ 1-2 java dev (get the server running with me - preconfigured SP and DP is welcome) ~ 1 web dev ( doin all web stuff like HP) If u are interested and actually a little bit "skilled" in what ure doin, contact me via PM. Greetz ~ Doom.
  5. Login is okay. But rpg keeps tellin me to update my client. (so it closes automatically) . i updated the client but.. nothing.
  6. Trusted seller. +++++ yesterday had a deal with him and all went perfect.
  7. Want to sell Items and/or Account on www.l2world.org ! x20 Items: Full Dynasty Robe 4 Atr. (fire,holy,dark,water) Icarus Spirit +8 full atr (holy) Tat Set with various enchants from +6 to +15 Frintezza Character: Cardinal noblesse with full 3 subclasses and certifs By interest in character just pm me here and i give u more detailed info. - Doombringer
  8. Lineage.ro Server: Dexternet
  9. Good evening. Since no one is answering my pm's about buyin a character i created this thread. (MaxMoney has a thread and want to sell a char... but he isnt answering like a lot of ppl here) Pm me if u sell a character, support character, items (only S and S80) Only serious pm's please. Lineage.ro Server: Dexternet - Doombringer
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