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About akislord

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    =<--/@Roronoa Zoro@\--==>

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  1. Well i don't really know if someone has posted something like that but i had some problems with my MySQL (when using localhost as i had put a password to my root and after that none database was able to be installed) and i managed to fix it. If you had put password in your MySQL in this window and after that you cant change it, well there are somethings you can maybe do. If you want to install a database like thathttp:// and you cant put it in your l2djb database then do this :right click in the database_installer and click in edit and find this: and wherever is the line root down from it write your own password of your mysql. Then to create your server follow these that say the other guys here in our Forum. If you have a problem again with your password for starting your server from StartGameServer then enter the folder gameserver/config and find the file server.properties. Right click then edit and after that find this line : and put your password.Save it and its ok. then you may have the same problem in starting StartLoginServer .So enter the folder login\config and right click and edit the loginserver.properties file. Find the line and put your password again. PS The folders gameserver and login you will find them by downloading others Packs like A-Styles and etc. To make a server follow someone's else pack.I just want to help those who have a problem with mysql. If you have any question just say it .IF THE SAME THING WAS AGAIN POSTED BY SOMEONE ELSE PLEASE TELL ME AND LOCK THE TOPICK.
  2. Yep i done this but i want to enter l2 from l2.exe with my admin account and i cant:(So im asking how to configure my options in order to open l2 and type my id and pass and continue in game.
  3. I made all the options for setting my server. But how will i enter it?? How will i enter my server?? Shall i change my host settings or somethink else? Does anyone know to help me?? Plzz answer...
  4. Thanks allot it works for me too. i could use the Chinese one.
  5. Had the server closed??? You make a post and you never renew this??? Np if somethink like that happened inform us with a post PS (SORRY for putting this post again up in others)
  6. Very nice server A- Style. i hope this server to stay as many servers are closed after 3-4 mounths and then.. qq and again from the beginning. Very good joB.
  7. To eixa petixei kata lathos omos ston core , tetlios omos stin tixi ki paleua na katalavo pos egine. To dokimasa kai se allous server (kirios l2 java kai enan me official arxia) kai den epiane.
  8. File me esoses . Paleua kai ego me to orcaki mesa stin oly na to petixo alla den ta kataferno :( Thanks para poli!!:)
  9. I tried it but it didn't worked. So ... If anyone else knows an other way just answer..
  10. Well as i decrypt l2.ini there where is serveradr there is the servers name no the ip what should i do to find the l2 servers ip? Plzz help me.
  11. The server has closed for ever or there is any chance to be up again with our old chars????
  12. Thanks too i was trying to find somethink to do for the cp potions and it worked for me .Thanks !!
  13. Any news about when will the server be up?
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