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Everything posted by serifox1995

  1. www.l2rebirth.com :) but now i will fix the site for now download patch from http://l2rebirth.ucoz.lv/ !!
  3. pantos dieukolines polous ma____kes ahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha
  4. lol 0xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa00xa0xa0 edit: tin p_____aaaaa
  5. man send photo from records.. and tomorrow i will buy domain and now wait for photos from dedicated! and dont spam!
  6. man you are ok? all pages are 128 online record and its real. now for free site tomorrow i will buy a domain and is not home server man.. i will upload photos from dedicated pc!!!
  7. Lineage II Rebirth Features Our server is based in Netherlands on one of the best hosting available: Proccessor : Intel Core i7 940 2.93Ghz RAM memory : 12 GB DDR3 RAM Hard Drive : 80GB SSD Hard Disk Port Speed : 1.000 Mbit - Unshared This configuration offers no lag and 100% uptimes Interlude Server InGame world : Rates : # Experience : 3000x Adena : 1000x Spoil : 1x Karma Drop Rate : 1x Party Experience : 2x Party Experience : 2x Safe Enchant : + 3 Max Enchant Weapon : + 16 Max Enchant Armor/Jewel : + 15 Enchant Rates Weapons : 70% Enchant Rates Armors/Jewels : 70% Blessed Enchant Rates Weapon : 85% Blessed Enchant Rates Armors/Jewels : 85% Character Related: # Duel System. Max level is 80. Auto learn skills. 1hours buff times. Spawn Protection. Augmentation Protection System. Custom Start adena. Custom Start title. Grade Penalty Disable. Auto Loot. Allow Wedding. Unstuck interval 5 seconds. Anti Buff Skill (Block Buffs). Retail Raid Bosses (With Custom Drops) Custom PvP/Pk Colours. Quake System (Announce Killing Spree). Server Related - NPC : # Server Custom Protection for Hacks & L2Phx! Properly Geodata.(Coming Soon) Working Clan System. Central Town is Giran Town. Gatekeepers and NPC buffers. Top PvP/Pk NPC. Exchanger (Misc Items & Gold Bar). GM Shop (Full Items). A Class Changer can be found at all Towns to change your 1st, 2nd and 3rd class. -= Punishment Rates =- # Chat Ban : The time of the chat ban is decided by the Gm! Ban : The ban time refers to 7 days or more. Permanent Ban : The ban time is forever. -= L2 Rebirth Staff =- 1. Do not ask any staff members for items, adena, mobs, or exp. They are not allowed to give out anything. 2. GM's will NEVER ask you about your account info! If you'll get scammed, hacked, or whatever, it's your own problem and Staff won't take any action, except punishing the offender. Lost items WILL NOT be given back. 3. Insulting anyone from L][Rebirth Staff will be punished accordingly. 4. Decisions made by GM staff are final, do not criticize the GM's. 5. Pretending that your one of L][Rebirth Staff members is a bannable offense. 6. Clans/alliances, or players are not allowed to have a GM crest or have anything to do with GM in their name. Clans/Alliances, or players caught doing so will be dissolved and the leader/players in question will be banned. Website : http://l2rebirth.tk/ *NO DONATE* *NO CUSTOM*
  8. Fail server Finally /WHY??/ -All day Offline And when open 100 restart.. - 6 wipes in 3 days server.. - 3 Players Online - 100 bugs work - Home made server - And 1 week offline.. - owner 15 year's old. - the server forum is forumotion ( ahaha ) - and i hate the server to have donate.. - and more .. Please Delete server !! :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
  9. geia sas exw na kanw mia erwtisi exw mia paysafecard pws bazo tin bazo stin paypal m?
  10. egw psaxno atomo gia sinergasia exw plirosi idi dedicated k domain kai fisika tha ine staff !! twra gia na pliroso den sinferi giati ta xalasa ola gia dedicated kai domain..
  11. file efiges report.. gia spam kai deuteron egw exw ena problima. kai zitaw kati.. an den endiaferese mhn spammaris.. kai 15 xronwn den ime egw allos einai apo ti blepw re file se xerw kai apo xtes ?
  12. geia sas thelw enan empiro kai kalo kai swsto developer na aniksoume enan sobaro server kai kalo.. Exw dedicated pc kai domain site opoios thelei as mou stili private message!!
  13. Geia sas mporeite na moy dosete ola ta link apo edw fisika to ( maxcheaters ) templates gia ucoz brika 1 alla den mou poli arese.. Euxaristo poli osa perisotera links mou dosete toso kalitera!!
  14. geia sas xriazome amesi boithia pedia akouste exw enan server L2jfrozen interlude.. kai otan paei o allos na kani +11 kai panw. trwi auto kick kai otan mpenei den exei to item Sto gameserver concole mou leei to eksis: AUDIT: Player (name.apo char ) has item Overenchanted! Kicked auto pws to fixaro re pedia sas euxaristo !! na kai to enchant config
  15. stamatiste to spam re kai boithiste to pedi egw file se ekana add kai oso mporw tha se help! diladi mia erwtisi ekane kai arxisate to spam
  16. geia sas exw L2jfrozen pack kai exw ena problhma.. paw na kanw tin database install to anigo pataw ( 1 ) kai mou bgazi to eksis.. edw stin arxi.. http://img39.imageshack.us/f/45443552.png/ meta pataw ( 1 ) kai bgenei auto.. http://img715.imageshack.us/i/51332832.png/ giati ? sas parakalw boithiste me !! a kati allo exw windows 7 x64 bit mhpws prepei na install allo java/mysql ? :S
  17. Geia sas epidi den ixera se poio na anikso to topic to aniksa edw !! exw 2 problimata me ton server mou pedia ama mporeite na me boithisete tha sas eimai eugnomon!! lipon arxizoume me to prwto problima!! http://img851.imageshack.us/i/86835736.png opws blepete stin eikona sta tetragonakia mesa den mporw na grapso.. html ine to site mou to xrisimipoio me simiomatario.. den xerw pou akribos na grapso .. pou akribos na grapso gia na bgoun sta tetragonakia mesa?? Deuteron problem - sto site panw thelw na balo favicon to bazo sto file manager ekei pera alla den mpenei.. Se opoio mporeite kai xerete as mou peite euxaristo pll!!
  18. L2 Sky-Dream Interlude Server!! :Server Info: Xp:x1.000 Sp:x1.000 Adena Drop:x1.000 :Enchant Info: Normal Scroll Enchant: 75% Blessed Scroll Enchant: 90% (Blessed Scroll's Can get it only with vote reward! ) Safe Enchant: +7 Max Enchant: +25 :Zones: 1) Monastery of silence ( Adena , Gold Bar ) 2) Privenal Island ( PvP Zone ) :PvP Colour System: 100/200/300/500/750 :Olympiad: Every 2 weeks New Heroes Start Time: 18:00 GMT+2 End Time: 12:00 GMT+2 :More Info's: Balance 92% All Skills Works 99% Announce Castle Lord System Welcome Pm System Clan Leader Color System CTF / TVT Event Every 2 Hours! Olympiad Works 100% Clan System Works 100% Sieges Works 100% No Custom Items No Donate _________________________________________________________ Site http://sky-dreaml2.ucoz.com/ ( we will get a domain soon !! )
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