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Everything posted by Akken

  1. Akken

    Drug Music

    good but not good quality of sound :P
  2. Akken

    Smite Account

    before some time has hard... so i bought it and i now sell it, joined didnt like it so...
  3. ammm :P i posted to post unique ideas xD i said what is included right now
  4. i wont open it, i will just make the pack as requested and give it to the owner , i got his source i will just add those features and a better event engine
  5. want something unique, those are some stuff that are implemented, about the 10% so i listen
  6. x150exp,sp and x100 adena rate Blessed 45%/Normal 30% Blessed dropping from raids Safe 3 max 7 for weapons safe 3 max 5 for armors VIP System only RateBonus for sometime only and it wont cost much (for donate) exp will just got from 150 to 300 Free Warehouse Deposit Free Cancel Augment CharCreateLvl = 1 SubCreateLvl = 60 => quest Give Pvp point In Arena enabled Nobless = > Quest Olympiad => Retail like , class based games disabled RB Jewls = retail way, quest and kill bosses No farm zones since all can be obtained by adenas PvP Zones will be all arenas and cruma tower ( cruma will have a peace zone spot with buffer and all you need and dead players will respawn there) 24 Buff slots 6 debuff slots Skill arent 100% and bullshits , we will see progress on the live server TvT Event price will be 1 lifestone No vote reward and bullshits, will be activated if needed what else? (all these are implemented till now) suggest more and if you will play..
  7. Akken

    Drug Music

    i liked the previous :P
  8. Akken

    Drug Music

    fuck shake it rockkkkksss
  9. exw t source tou rvb dikos m itan red vs blue n dw s pio usb ine k tha sto dwsw
  10. Akken

    Drug Music

    just quoted for fun but again why all hate me?
  11. Akken

    Drug Music

    paint your crypton blue and throw it to the sea
  12. Akken

    Drug Music

    goood but it doesnt take me high that much
  13. 10euros lvl 2 smite account you can change pass to from my mail and i will delete mail or such.. accepting paysafe of 10 e
  14. nai re maga to danistika apo tn tusi trava twra sto kineziko kai fae sousi
  15. Thank you for registering, denthapareispotedota2betakey ekana k egw
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