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About Morfar

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  1. Hello, Selling adena skelth pm me
  2. WTS EMI BOW +12 Thanks!
  3. WTS BOP+9 Thanks!
  4. Scammer dont buy from him
  5. Also his Paypal email is: sukevicius.l@gmail.com And his paypal name: Linas Sukevicius
  6. Scammer be carefull! His Skype: mc_koksas
  7. SORC
  8. Buying BoP or shafts in Skelth
  9. WTS Bow of Peril+7 skelth server
  10. WTB Bow of Peril & Adena in Skelth
  11. WTS Eminence Bow+11 Private msg on forums or Skype: msnd14 Thx!
  12. Dagger lvl 54 now. Pm me in forums or Skype: msnd14 Thx!
  13. Characters: Sorcerer lvl 61 Items: +3 Ghoul Staff Top C Jewels Pm me for more info Skype: msnd14
  14. As tittle says need a bd 58+ in Skelth. Pm me with price Thx!
  15. PP sold Prices down for the other accs! pm me or skype for more info!
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