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Everything posted by Armadon

  1. Some admin can ban this idiot? how can you be so pathetic to post with different accounts ? =))
  2. ahahahahahaha...this douche bag again. So you are the faggot who wanted to scam and destroy all my items from shieln huh? i wonder who will believe you. check my signature, all those ppl can say i'm trusted. Gipsy Romanian and he's from Romania. Watch out with this idiot. Mortex nick on shilen server, Heckz0r, FreeAdena and maxim0us nicks here on forum. He tryed to scam me and destroy my items.
  3. new account heckz0r? the scammer? dude learn some english maybe ppl won't realise that it's you. take care guys with this "seller"
  4. that's not him. check his SN. he is around 22 years old. no way he is born in 1973. jeez what ppl can do for an extra 50$. admins just ipban this scammer please.
  5. check this guy's english and then check topic owner's english...hell if i can see any difference. this is just n/c.
  6. i can prove that your english is 0. i didn't say you scammed anyone using this site. i said what kind of player you are on lineage 2 servers. I didn't acuse you for taking someone's money or something. P.S. Why did you change country on your profile? or i have to prove that you're from romania and not from israel?
  7. show at least 1 member of this community who can say you're a trusted seller/buyer. i tell you, there's none. there are 3 servers where i know that you scammed and i know the ones you scammed: Wrath, Celes, Shilen. You are the one who should be baned from this site.
  8. sorry i'm looking for something on innova or $
  9. his nick on shilen server is Mortex and true he is a scammer on everysingle server i saw him. i don't say he will scam you with sell, but think a lil :). He's scaming w/o any problems in game; will he do it for real money also?
  10. 1 is lvl 90 nobless - 300 euros 1 is lvl 87 nobless - 70 euros 1 is lvl 86 no-nobless - 30 euros nobless archer got no weapon, but set is with a lot of attribute resists, and you can get another bow creating a char lvl 40 for diploma. got some territory badges. yul 90, imm set +4, boots/gloves/helm twilight +3, seraph leather armor / pants , 2 dyes +5 str , elemental stones/crystals , 400mil adena, twilight jwls set +3 augmented, olympiad warrior's ring ( aq olympiad ) ,apoca thrower +4 300holy damage up , crafting materials in wh for safety i can't give all details about them. for more info contact me on skype: CosminSadu Selling cheap. Accept verified paypal. Watch out for users: heckz0r, maxim0us and freeadena; the same person, scammer, thief, idiot. He tryed to scam me and now cause he didn't succed he's trying to ruin my topic :).
  11. wts: 5kkk adena - 7 eu vorpal robe set - 40 eu vesper bow 300 dark - 25 eu vesper buster/caster - 25 eu
  12. Thank you everyone for recommends. Atm i'm out of adena, but as soon as i make more i will update my topic.
  13. Stock: 0kkk Also WTS Ghost Sentinel acc lvl 85 (cloak of greenery, lvl 81 books, skill enchant +10 to +15) Out of adena for the moment. I'll update as soon as I get more Contact Skype: CosminSadu Verified Paypal. Got few recs, but soon i'll have more ;) Can use Lain/MM system or you can trust and send money 1st. i will not give adena 1st.
  14. really :) Finally someone who doesn't look for his own profit. Good job MiddleMan
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