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Everything posted by antonioxd

  1. Welcome Guys, After a long time in java a friend and I decided to create our own pvp/low pack project and improve it to the best quality possible if you want to know more about our project please send me a pm in forum and give you a little more information about our project. Some information about the pack. Fixed Dragonhunter's Attacker. Fixed Attacker Last V. Fixed L2J-killer. Fixed Server Crhasher. Fixed L2J-Attacker. Fixed Phx Enchant. Fixed Phx Spamm Fixed Without Flood. Dual Box Protection {with config :true :false}: L2Walker Protection {with config :true :false}: Config FloodProtection. Server Retail Features : Castles Working Fine. Olympiad Working Fine. : Hero system off-like, hero you need recive on Monument of Heroes, not automatic like in other l2j servers. We need send Userinfo packet after player setted hero. : Wings of destiny have separated script, no like other l2j in weapons.. All Skills has been reworked, {You can test them.} All GrandBoss has been reworked, Not retail like but all working fine with camera. { Valakas, Antharas, etc} Fully Augumentation System. Hero Weapons Working Fine, Reworked SA. Skill Clan Gate Working Fine. Macros Working Fine. Balance Classes system. Zones Reworked. If you need more info, Send me a pm. Please before you start to spam for another one fork project you can test it. if you don't give a try to test them stop spasming Thanks a lot.
  2. L2cleanse is now online!
  3. Buenas a todos queridos amigos y usuarios, Les vengo a presentar mi nuevo proyecto Lineage 2 Cleanse Final el cual llevo trabajando hace varios meses y como andaba con el tema del datapack me demore un poco :P Algunos se preguntan ... Por que se llama final ? - Bueno le puse ese nombre por que sera mi ultimo servidor interlude que voy a largar, Ya la cronica esta un poquito vieja y sale actualizarse, Por eso le puse L2Cleanse Final :) La fecha de apertura aun no esta en decision, En cualquier momento estaremos anunciando la fecha en la pagina web y en el foro, Saludos! Te esperamos en la apertura! Informacion General : Full Interlude Server. Rates: Exp: 70x - Adena: 150x - Drop: 10x - Spoil: 15x - Quest: 6x. Todos los skills funcionando. Clan system funcionando. Debuff Bar funcionando. Skills Auto-Aprendibles Staff Activo. Sieges funcionando. Grand Boss - Raid Boss funcionando. No auto pick up Quests : Class Changer : Sin necesidad de quest. Sub Class : Gratis, Sin necesidad de quest. Noblesse : Quest Full, Items se venden en el shop. Sistema de Enchant : Safe : +3 - Fullbody +4 Enchante Max : +16 Enchante Rate: 50% Normal Enchante Rate: 75% Blessed Olympiadas : Olympiadas funcionando. Retail Like! Empieza : 18:00 -4:30 GMT Periodo : 2 Semanas. 9 Marchas - 1 Ganada, Para poder ser heroe. Sistema de Buffs - NPCs: 24 Slots + 4 Divine Inspiration (Auto-Aprendible) 2 Horas : Normal Buff 2 Horas : Dance y Song 2 Horas : Prophecies, 2 Horas COV 2 Min : Cat Buffs. NPCs Buffs sin Buff de 3era Clase. Solo Escenciales. Info - Pagina Web - Foro : Para mas informacion visita la pagina web y si tienes alguna sugerencia, Hazla saber en el foro! http://l2cleanse.com.ar/ http://l2cleanse.com.ar/foro
  4. lolz, nice server but u can change web site to english? :P +1 l2aeon rulz :D
  5. Good people come into a little problem, I've been Trying L2JTeon The Quest Of Antharas that I love Fixear To My Server But Not Because this still is E, the fact is that when I have the Portal Stone, "I The Quest Complete" Well Activity A Antharas And I hope the time to exit, when Sale sends me to the Villa, No Porq If I understand I have the Quest, I was the same with L2JImperio, If someone knows that problem would be that I would appreciate Qe Please help me with this Last Rev L2JTeon Move Post Plz :/
  6. tomorrow i make pag in ingles "i'am spanish " :S yeah, i have a dedicated server in USA, Servidor 0 LAG, I need ppl for a server good :/ 4) thanks men :P
  7. General Informations : * Full Interlude Server * Rate : XP : 100x - Adena : 300x * Fully Working Interlude Skills * Fully Retail Like Skills * Fully Working Clan System * Debuff Bar Working. * Skill Auto Learning * No deleveling Bug * Bugless Geodata * DDOS Protection System ( JoseX56 ) * Active Staff * Fair Donations : Donations Only For AIO. * Most Of The Teleport Spawn Are Safe * Castle Benefits System Quests : * Class Changer, No Quest Need For 1st, 2nd And 3rd Class * Sub Class Quest (Star OF Destiny And Mimir Elixir's In Shop) * Nobless Quest (Lunargent And Hellfire In Shop) Olympiad Informations : * Interlude Olympiad System * Fights at 18:00 -4:30 GMT * The Olympiad Period Is 2 Weeks * You Need 9 Match And 1 Wins To Be Eligible To Hero Event TvT - CTF : * TvT Every 4 Hours And 100 Event Medalls Reward * CTF Is Time Random And Rewarding With 50 Medalls Buffs Informations : * 20 Slots + 4 From Divine Inspiration (AutoLearn) * 2 Hours Normal Buff * 2 Hours Dances And song * 2 Hours Prophecies, 2 Hours COV * Cat & Unicorn Buff Retail Farming Informations : * Custom Farming System : Low-Mid Lvl: Antharas Lair With 2 RaidBoss High LvL: Varka Silenos With 3 RaidBoos Party Zone: Primeval Isle With 3 RaidBoss Web: http://l2aeon.22web.net/index.html Forum: http://l2forum.22web.net/
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