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  1. public void reduceHp(double value, L2Character attacker, boolean isHpConsumption) { _log.warning("it goes here"); reduceHp(value, attacker, true, false, isHpConsumption); } public void reduceHp(double value, L2Character attacker, boolean awake, boolean isDOT, boolean isHPConsumption) { _log.warning("wtf"); if (getActiveChar().isDead()) { return; } // invul handling if (getActiveChar().isInvul()) { // other chars can't damage if (attacker != getActiveChar()) { return; } // only DOT and HP consumption allowed for damage self if (!isDOT && !isHPConsumption) { return; } } if (attacker != null) { final L2PcInstance attackerPlayer = attacker.getActingPlayer(); if ((attackerPlayer != null) && attackerPlayer.isGM() && !attackerPlayer.getAccessLevel().canGiveDamage()) { return; } } if (!isDOT && !isHPConsumption) { getActiveChar().stopEffectsOnDamage(awake); if (getActiveChar().isStunned() && (Rnd.get(10) == 0)) { getActiveChar().stopStunning(true); } } if (value > 0) { setCurrentHp(Math.max(getCurrentHp() - value, 0)); } if ((getActiveChar().getCurrentHp() < 0.5) && getActiveChar().isMortal()) // Die { getActiveChar().abortAttack(); getActiveChar().abortCast(); if (Config.DEBUG) { _log.fine("char is dead."); } getActiveChar().doDie(attacker); } } L2Character goes to the first method which it seems to working fine. After there, ti doesnt even go to the seconds reduceHp method...So _log.warning("wtf") doesnt appear on my console...It makes totally no sense
  2. I already did and works fine...All IF methods working properly...I used to have an old freya pack that those skills were working...I transfered all methods from there and still nothing
  3. hello there. Like title saying all hpconsume skills dont consume any hp. For example sacrifice will heal without consuming any HP. The skill in data/stats/skills XML file is just fine (checked more than 100 times)... About L2Character.java hp consume, it is fine too. // Consume HP if necessary and Send the Server->Client packet StatusUpdate with current HP and MP to all other L2PcInstance to inform if (skill.getHpConsume() > 0) { double consumeHp; consumeHp = calcStat(Stats.HP_CONSUME_RATE, skill.getHpConsume(), null, null); if ((consumeHp + 1) >= getCurrentHp()) { consumeHp = getCurrentHp() - 1.0; } getStatus().reduceHp(consumeHp, this, true); su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_HP, (int) getCurrentHp()); isSendStatus = true; } I checked every singe line to find any problems but nothing...everything seems normal Im working on Freya client l2jserver.
  4. How can i fix this bug on freya client? I found a code in "files share" section but this share is for high five, cant install it on freya....
  5. bump
  6. [shadow=red,left]Aurora - 70x[/shadow], powered by L2 Aegis Network Are you sick of playing full customized server and fully unbalance game play? Are you bored of seeing the server all the time exploited and corrupted by minor admins? Then here is it! L2 Aegis Network is going to provide you unexpected moments, memories and friendship you've never seen before. Are you ready to move to the next level? If yes! You've made a wise decision! Features [shadow=red,left]Starting from today Aegis Network is going to advertise the first server that's going to be opened called "Aurora" a mid rate server.[/shadow] (More information can be found on our website) Server Machine Processor Model: Intel Xeon L5640, 4-Core RAM Count: 12GB DDR3 Hard Drives: Intel SSD X25-M 80 GB Internet Connection: 1 Gbps Retail Features EXP: 70x, SP: 70x, Drops: 2x, Spoil 2x, Adena: 150x Interlude Client L2 OFF Server Not Costumized (Items) Auto Learn Skills 100% Working Skills 100% Working Geodata Cursed Weapon System (Zariche and Akamanah) 24 Buff slots 10 Debuff slots Free Class Change Balanced Classes & Skills 100% Working Augmentation +6 Enchanted set effects 100% Working Olympiad System 100% Working Fusion Skills Max. Level 80 Custom Features Unique Protection System Server side & Client side protection coded that protects server from 3rd party programs. Offline Shopping System By writing down in game /shop_offline you will be able to use our feature. Spawn Protection Protects you from getting spawn killed. Anti Buff Protection Protects you from getting bad buffed by other players. Armor Penalty This penalty removes the ability to use another armor then your armor mastery allows. Giran Main Town Trade Center & GM Shops. GM Shops All the GM Shops are up to S Grade and placed in Giran. NPC Buffer Up to 2nd class buffs included. Buffs Time Normal Buffs: 1 hour, Cov & Prophecies: 30min, Pet Buffs: 2min. Antharas Lair Experience boosted, Special drops & boosted. Enchant Rates 35% Mages, 45% Fighters. Level Penalty 20 levels penalty removed. Subclass Star of Destiny can be found in GM Shop. Noblesse For noblesse you'll need to make the fully quest. Olympiad System Due the feeds we well use Non-Class Based System only, the Hero session is 2 weeks. SA System By collecting SA Fragments you can create a fully SA Crystal of A and S Grade, after adding SA Over Enchant remains. Crafting S Grade Weapons You need to collect "Weapon Coins" and then exchange them into a S grade weapon. Crafting S Grade Armors S Grade armors can be obtained with "Armor Coins" from GM Shops. Augmentation System The skills were removed and remade in 8 new Aurora Skills, the based stats are still retail like, the glows of them were improved. Siege Reward System By winning a castle all the clan members will be rewarded with some Siege Coins that can be exchanged for some goods. AIO Buffers All in one Characters are available only by donating or fulfilling bonuses requirements. Join us! Going Live Server is currently under development but in a short time there will be a ETA for the Live date, you can join our forums, website so we can keep you up to data. Aurora - Clan Bonuses I wanted to inform all the big clans that are joining Aurora - 70x that we are having a nice offer for all of them. Many of you already know that all the clans that have over 15 active members will recieve a "Trial AIO Buffer" for free. NO DONATIONS! Aurora will be a server that will NOT accept WEAPONS/ITEMS Donations! The only thing allowed to donate for supporting the project will be AIO Buffers to keep it balanced. http://l2aegis.com http://l2aegis.com/forum
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