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  1. 8a s dosw kapoia info how to. 1) google > search l2net v390(hi5) l2net v388(freya) find and download it is 1gb 2) google > framework4 download from microsoft page 3)SlimDX_SDK(june2010) find it download and run it ** inside l2net folder ** 4) **l2 editor for freya** find it in google download it ---> after u download all of those and install framework and slimDX, listen up go to windows lets start a)start > in empty box write ''cmd'' it appears a black box (DOS) write in there ''ipconfig'' w/o quotes scroll up and somewhere says Ipv4, near ipv4 its yr IP carefull with ips dnt make mistakes, copy paste yr ip in notepad. b)open l2editor > open and decrypt> find C:\\program filesx86\NcSoft\lineageII\system\L2.ini , open l2.ini file. Scroll down somewhere says ''servers adress'' near server adress its Servers IP maybe it is letters (doesnt matter), copy paste ip of server in yr notepad and replace servers IP with yours (that u find in cmd ipconfig near ipv4, then save and encrypt ok c)at first open l2net.exe in l2net folder u have download it apears a picatsu > click in server client u wanna log and press ''IG'' button, down of ''login server'' there is an IP, delete that ip and put servers IP u found in file editor, login server port must be 2106 dnt touch it, and near local IP paste your pc IP u found in cmd command. d)Listen e) open l2.exe with the modify IP (1st u make setup in l2net and after l2.exe or else it dnt work) log yr char (carefull with log in any time u made wrong password u must do it all ( c ) part i wrote u from beginning the rest explore by yrself enjoy!
  2. i go play there for sure my clan from l2gang will join in chess
  3. thnx poli man pragmatika..!! 8)
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