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Newbie (1/16)
Not zaken's, those are AQ's hair... i can guarantee you that.^^
Where you will join?At NcSoft's servers or Innova's?
POP-CORN replied to FighterBoss's topic in General Discussion [English]
"Fresh start"+1-85=week NOWAY ;D About the "fresh start" thing... every old weapon/armor/jewel/+++skill is outdated... their existance only helping you... to obtain them after the Free S grade gear... for some millions... now on a new server and 1-85 in a week without mentor+20euro(+extra VP Potions) Donate+18Hours per day is a CrazyDream ;D -
I've try to change those Values... but without any "Size" effect... for example i found some Npcs with Common models... and ι replaced those values :LineageMonster2.ketra_orc_chieftain_20_bi or LineageMonster2.ketra_orc_chieftain_20_sm from the Bigger one to the smaller one But The size was the same.
As far as i know... to Import an Npc with animation "since u've exported it to change those values" need gildor's tool or w/e they call it... So as i see it its imposible to ReScale antharas for example and import him again in the game without that tool"correct me if iam wrong" but i saw on one Post 2 other ways... that i try to describe on my 1st post... the problem is that i need that post to see "Exactly how to do that threw npcgrp.dat or MySql" As i said and before" correct me if iam wrong"^^
Well... "still" cant find that Random [help] post that someone gave those informations... About Resize-Scaling if someone Can find it i would be thankfull.
its a bit general... as an answer... Butin Eclipse you can find "dont remember" wich file exaclty the Class trees. Now if you will be able to add a 4th Class... dont really know... look how those Trees "look like and add what you think that fits more on your vision... then you will have to play with Class_list on Navicat's table. "all those are just thoughts... since i never tried and i dont really know "where else those Trees are Scripted except of the 2 locations that i just gave you" But you will have to think 2 things before you start doing that. 1st) that a 4th Class... Sounds like Goddess's Feature... and ppl that playing interlude servers... Wont like those type of Changes... imo always. And 2nd)that would be better to Post your idea... on the Dev Section Since client... havent to do with Core changes... but with Visuall ones.
I remember that on a [help]Topic... someone gave some informations/ways About Scaling... "how to create mini boss etc etc" but cant find it... anyone can reShare those informations or send me post's link? One way was threw Npcgrp.dat "but wich values? because most of the times... Scale=1.000000 or 1 w/e Guess what Npcgrp.dat its full of those 2 combinations ::)" Second way was threw Adding an Extra collumn in MySql "Hm... i just create an ___.sql file and Executing? if yes what exactly should i type?" And the other way... was... "dont remember if it was another way" :D thnx for your time
Extra DOOR. But how should i add it? if npcId == SENTRY1 : if npc.getInstanceId() in self.worlds: world = self.worlds[npc.getInstanceId()] st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_middle") player.sendPacket(CreatureSay(npc.getObjectId(), 0, npc.getName(), "Master, Forgive Me!")) st.giveItems(B_Eva,1) openDoor(DOOR1,npc.instanceId) Or thnx for your time
Clan lvl up instance
POP-CORN replied to Malossi's question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
Διάλεξε ενα instance από dist/game/data/scripts/instances Δες ποιο σε βολεύει περισσότερο δλδ κάνε 1 RunIG Και στην συνέχεια βρες τα ID των mobs/Bosses και κάνε add τα Clan items. -
Χέρεται. Θέλω να βάλω ένα penalty για 24 ώρες στο Nornil'sGarden. Νομίζω πως το Crystal Cavern έχει τα restrictions... Που χρειάζομαι. "Εκτός κ αν χρειάζομαι κάτι ακομα..." Μπορεί κάποιος να με καθοδηγήσει; Για το που ακριβώς πρέπει να τοποθετήσω αυτά τα lines στον παρακάτω κώδικα; Nornil'sGarden: * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package instances.NornilsGarden; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager.InstanceWorld; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.QuestManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Effect; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Party; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Skill; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2DoorInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2MonsterInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.entity.Instance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.State; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.zone.L2ZoneType; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.util.Util; import com.l2jserver.util.Rnd; /** ** @author Gnacik ** ** 2010-10-15 Based on official server Naia */ public class NornilsGarden extends Quest { private class NornilsWorld extends InstanceWorld { public L2Npc first_npc = null; public boolean spawned_1 = false; public boolean spawned_2 = false; public boolean spawned_3 = false; public boolean spawned_4 = false; public NornilsWorld() { } } private static final String qn = "NornilsGarden"; private static final int INSTANCE_ID = 11; private static final int DURATION_TIME = 70; private static final int EMPTY_DESTROY_TIME = 5; private static final int INSTANCE_LVL_MIN = 18; private static final int INSTANCE_LVL_MAX = 22; private static final int _garden_guard = 32330; private static final int[] _final_gates = { 32260, 32261, 32262 }; private static final int[] SPAWN_PPL = { -111184, 74540, -12430 }; private static final int[] EXIT_PPL = { -74058, 52040, -3680 }; private static final int[][] _auto_gates = { { 20110, 16200001 }, // Warriors gate { 20111, 16200004 }, // Midway gate { 20112, 16200013 } // Gate }; private static final L2Skill skill1 = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4322, 1); private static final L2Skill skill2 = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4327, 1); private static final L2Skill skill3 = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4329, 1); private static final L2Skill skill4 = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4324, 1); private static final int _herb_jar = 18478; private static final int[][] _gatekeepers = { { 18352, 9703, 0 }, // Kamael Guard { 18353, 9704, 0 }, // Guardian of Records { 18354, 9705, 0 }, // Guardian of Observation { 18355, 9706, 0 }, // Spicula's Guard { 18356, 9707, 16200024 }, // Harkilgamed's Gatekeeper { 18357, 9708, 16200025 }, // Rodenpicula's Gatekeeper { 18358, 9713, 0 }, // Guardian of Secrets { 18359, 9709, 16200023 }, // Arviterre's Guardian { 18360, 9710, 0 }, // Katenar's Gatekeeper { 18361, 9711, 0 }, // Guardian of Prediction { 25528, 9712, 0 } // Tiberias }; private static final int[][] HP_HERBS_DROPLIST = { // itemId, count, chance { 8602, 1, 10 }, { 8601, 2, 40 }, { 8600, 3, 70 } }; private static final int[][] _group_1 = { { 18363, -109899, 74431, -12528, 16488 }, { 18483, -109701, 74501, -12528, 24576 }, { 18483, -109892, 74886, -12528, 0 }, { 18363, -109703, 74879, -12528, 49336 } }; private static final int[][] _group_2 = { { 18363, -110393, 78276, -12848, 49152 }, { 18363, -110561, 78276, -12848, 49152 }, { 18362, -110414, 78495, -12905, 48112 }, { 18362, -110545, 78489, -12903, 48939 }, { 18483, -110474, 78601, -12915, 49488 }, { 18362, -110474, 78884, -12915, 49338 }, { 18483, -110389, 79131, -12915, 48539 }, { 18483, -110551, 79134, -12915, 49151 } }; private static final int[][] _group_3 = { { 18483, -107798, 80721, -12912, 0 }, { 18483, -107798, 80546, -12912, 0 }, { 18347, -108033, 80644, -12912, 0 }, { 18363, -108520, 80647, -12912, 0 }, { 18483, -108740, 80752, -12912, 0 }, { 18363, -109016, 80642, -12912, 0 }, { 18483, -108740, 80546, -12912, 0 } }; private static final int[][] _group_4 = { { 18362, -110082, 83998, -12928, 0 }, { 18362, -110082, 84210, -12928, 0 }, { 18363, -109963, 84102, -12896, 0 }, { 18347, -109322, 84102, -12880, 0 }, { 18362, -109131, 84097, -12880, 0 }, { 18483, -108932, 84101, -12880, 0 }, { 18483, -109313, 84488, -12880, 0 }, { 18362, -109122, 84490, -12880, 0 }, { 18347, -108939, 84489, -12880, 0 } }; private static final int[][] MP_HERBS_DROPLIST = { // itemId, count, chance { 8605, 1, 10 }, { 8604, 2, 40 }, { 8603, 3, 70 } }; private static final void dropHerb(L2Npc mob, L2PcInstance player, int[][] drop) { final int chance = Rnd.get(100); for (int i = 0; i < drop.length; i++) { if (chance < drop[i][2]) ((L2MonsterInstance)mob).dropItem(player, drop[i][0], drop[i][1]); } } private static final void removeBuffs(L2Character ch) { for (L2Effect e : ch.getAllEffects()) { if (e == null) continue; L2Skill skill = e.getSkill(); if (skill.isDebuff() || skill.isStayAfterDeath()) continue; e.exit(); } } private static final void giveBuffs(L2Character ch) { if(skill1 != null) skill1.getEffects(ch, ch); if(skill2 != null) skill2.getEffects(ch, ch); if(skill3 != null) skill3.getEffects(ch, ch); if(skill4 != null) skill4.getEffects(ch, ch); } private static final void teleportPlayer(L2PcInstance player, int[] coords, int instanceId) { QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn); if (st == null) { Quest q = QuestManager.getInstance().getQuest(qn); st = q.newQuestState(player); } removeBuffs(player); giveBuffs(player); if (player.getPet() != null) { removeBuffs(player.getPet()); giveBuffs(player.getPet()); } player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); player.setInstanceId(instanceId); player.teleToLocation(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], true); } private void exitInstance(L2PcInstance player) { InstanceWorld inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(player.getInstanceId()); if (inst instanceof NornilsWorld) { NornilsWorld world = ((NornilsWorld) inst); world.allowed.remove(Integer.valueOf(player.getObjectId())); player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); player.setInstanceId(0); player.teleToLocation(EXIT_PPL[0], EXIT_PPL[1], EXIT_PPL[2], true); } } private final synchronized String enterInstance(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { InstanceWorld world = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player); if (world != null) { if (!(world instanceof NornilsWorld) || world.templateId != INSTANCE_ID) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ALREADY_ENTERED_ANOTHER_INSTANCE_CANT_ENTER)); return null; } // check for level difference again on reenter if (player.getLevel() > INSTANCE_LVL_MAX || player.getLevel() < INSTANCE_LVL_MIN) { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT_NOT_SUFFICIENT); sm.addPcName(player); player.sendPacket(sm); return null; } // check what instance still exist Instance inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(world.instanceId); if (inst != null) { teleportPlayer(player, SPAWN_PPL , world.instanceId); } return null; } // Creating new instance else { String result = checkConditions(npc, player); if (!(result.equalsIgnoreCase("ok"))) return result; final int instanceId = InstanceManager.getInstance().createDynamicInstance("NornilsGarden.xml"); final Instance inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(instanceId); inst.setName(InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstanceIdName(INSTANCE_ID)); final int[] returnLoc = { player.getX(), player.getY(), player.getZ() }; inst.setSpawnLoc(returnLoc); inst.setAllowSummon(false); inst.setDuration(DURATION_TIME * 60000); inst.setEmptyDestroyTime(EMPTY_DESTROY_TIME * 60000); world = new NornilsWorld(); world.instanceId = instanceId; world.templateId = INSTANCE_ID; InstanceManager.getInstance().addWorld(world); _log.info("Nornils Garden: started, Instance: " + instanceId + " created by player: " + player.getName()); prepareInstance((NornilsWorld) world); // and finally teleport party into instance final L2Party party = player.getParty(); if(party != null) { for (L2PcInstance partyMember : party.getPartyMembers()) { world.allowed.add(partyMember.getObjectId()); teleportPlayer(partyMember, SPAWN_PPL, instanceId); } } return null; } } private void prepareInstance(NornilsWorld world) { world.first_npc = addSpawn(18362,-109702,74696,-12528, 49568, false, 0, false, world.instanceId); L2DoorInstance door = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(world.instanceId).getDoor(16200010); if (door != null) { door.setTargetable(false); door.setMeshIndex(2); } } private void spawn1(L2Npc npc) { InstanceWorld inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId()); if (inst instanceof NornilsWorld) { NornilsWorld world = ((NornilsWorld) inst); if (npc.equals(world.first_npc) && !world.spawned_1) { world.spawned_1 = true; for (int mob[] : _group_1) { addSpawn(mob[0], mob[1], mob[2], mob[3], mob[4], false, 0, false, world.instanceId); } } } } private void spawn2(L2Npc npc) { InstanceWorld inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId()); if (inst instanceof NornilsWorld) { NornilsWorld world = ((NornilsWorld) inst); if (!world.spawned_2) { world.spawned_2 = true; for (int mob[] : _group_2) { addSpawn(mob[0], mob[1], mob[2], mob[3], mob[4], false, 0, false, world.instanceId); } } } } private void spawn3(L2Character cha) { InstanceWorld inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(cha.getInstanceId()); if (inst instanceof NornilsWorld) { NornilsWorld world = ((NornilsWorld) inst); if (!world.spawned_3) { world.spawned_3 = true; for (int mob[] : _group_3) { addSpawn(mob[0], mob[1], mob[2], mob[3], mob[4], false, 0, false, world.instanceId); } } } } private void spawn4(L2Character cha) { InstanceWorld inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(cha.getInstanceId()); if (inst instanceof NornilsWorld) { NornilsWorld world = ((NornilsWorld) inst); if (!world.spawned_4) { world.spawned_4 = true; for (int mob[] : _group_4) { addSpawn(mob[0], mob[1], mob[2], mob[3], mob[4], false, 0, false, world.instanceId); } } } } private void openDoor(QuestState st, L2PcInstance player, int doorId) { st.unset("correct"); InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(player.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof NornilsWorld) { L2DoorInstance door = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(tmpworld.instanceId).getDoor(doorId); if (door != null) door.openMe(); } } private static final String checkConditions(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { final L2Party party = player.getParty(); // player must be in party if (party == null) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NOT_IN_PARTY_CANT_ENTER)); return "32330-05.html"; } // ...and be party leader if (party.getLeader() != player) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ONLY_PARTY_LEADER_CAN_ENTER)); return "32330-08.html"; } boolean _kamael = false; // for each party member for (L2PcInstance partyMember : party.getPartyMembers()) { // player level must be in range if (partyMember.getLevel() > INSTANCE_LVL_MAX) { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT_NOT_SUFFICIENT); sm.addPcName(partyMember); player.sendPacket(sm); return "32330-06.html"; } if (partyMember.getLevel() < INSTANCE_LVL_MIN) { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT_NOT_SUFFICIENT); sm.addPcName(partyMember); player.sendPacket(sm); return "32330-07.html"; } if ( partyMember.getClassId().level() != 0) { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT_NOT_SUFFICIENT); sm.addPcName(partyMember); player.sendPacket(sm); return "32330-06.html"; } // player must be near party leader if (!partyMember.isInsideRadius(player, 500, true, true)) { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_IS_IN_LOCATION_THAT_CANNOT_BE_ENTERED); sm.addPcName(partyMember); player.sendPacket(sm); return "32330-08.html"; } if (partyMember.getRace().ordinal() == 5) { QuestState checkst = partyMember.getQuestState("179_IntoTheLargeCavern"); if(checkst != null && checkst.getState() == State.STARTED) { _kamael = true; } else { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_QUEST_REQUIREMENT_NOT_SUFFICIENT); sm.addPcName(partyMember); player.sendPacket(sm); return "32330-08.html"; } } } if (!_kamael) { return "32330-08.html"; } return "ok"; } @Override public String onEnterZone(L2Character character, L2ZoneType zone) { if (character instanceof L2PcInstance && !character.isDead() && !character.isTeleporting() && ((L2PcInstance)character).isOnline()) { InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(character.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof NornilsWorld) { for (int _auto[] : _auto_gates) { if (zone.getId() == _auto[0]) { L2DoorInstance door = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(tmpworld.instanceId).getDoor(_auto[1]); if (door != null) door.openMe(); } if (zone.getId() == 20111) spawn3(character); else if(zone.getId() == 20112) spawn4(character); } } } return super.onEnterZone(character,zone); } @Override public final String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { player.sendMessage("On Event"); String htmltext = event; QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn); if(st == null) return getNoQuestMsg(player); if(npc.getNpcId() == _garden_guard && event.equalsIgnoreCase("enter_instance")) { try { htmltext = enterInstance(npc, player); } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (npc.getNpcId() == 32258 && event.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) { try { exitInstance(player); } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (Util.contains(_final_gates, npc.getNpcId())) { if(event.equalsIgnoreCase("32260-02.html") || event.equalsIgnoreCase("32261-02.html") || event.equalsIgnoreCase("32262-02.html")) { st.unset("correct"); } else if(Util.isDigit(event)) { int correct = st.getInt("correct"); correct++; st.set("correct", String.valueOf(correct)); htmltext = npc.getNpcId()+"-0"+String.valueOf(correct+2)+".html"; } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("check")) { int correct = st.getInt("correct"); if(npc.getNpcId() == 32260 && correct == 3) openDoor(st, player, 16200014); else if (npc.getNpcId() == 32261 && correct == 3) openDoor(st, player, 16200015); else if (npc.getNpcId() == 32262 && correct == 4) openDoor(st, player, 16200016); else return npc.getNpcId()+"-00.html"; } } return htmltext; } @Override public final String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { if (Util.contains(_final_gates, npc.getNpcId())) { QuestState cst = player.getQuestState("179_IntoTheLargeCavern"); if (cst != null && cst.getState() == State.STARTED) { return npc.getNpcId()+"-01.html"; } else return getNoQuestMsg(player); } return null; } @Override public final String onFirstTalk (L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn); if (st == null) { Quest q = QuestManager.getInstance().getQuest(qn); st = q.newQuestState(player); } return npc.getNpcId()+".html"; } @Override public final String onAttack(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance attacker, int damage, boolean isPet) { if (npc.getNpcId() == _herb_jar && !npc.isDead()) { dropHerb(npc, attacker, HP_HERBS_DROPLIST); dropHerb(npc, attacker, MP_HERBS_DROPLIST); npc.doDie(attacker); } else if (npc.getNpcId() == 18362 && npc.getInstanceId() > 0) { spawn1(npc); } return null; } @Override public final String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player, boolean isPet) { QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn); if (st == null) return null; for (int _gk[] : _gatekeepers) { if (npc.getNpcId() == _gk[0]) { // Drop key ((L2MonsterInstance)npc).dropItem(player, _gk[1], 1); // Check if gatekeeper should open bridge, and open it if (_gk[2] > 0) { InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(player.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof NornilsWorld) { L2DoorInstance door = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(tmpworld.instanceId).getDoor(_gk[2]); if (door != null) { door.openMe(); door.sendInfo(player); } } } } if(npc.getNpcId() == 18355) spawn2(npc); } return super.onKill(npc, player, isPet); } public NornilsGarden(int questId, String name, String descr) { super(questId, name, descr); addStartNpc(_garden_guard); addFirstTalkId(_garden_guard); addTalkId(_garden_guard); for(int i[] : _gatekeepers) addKillId(i[0]); for(int i[] : _auto_gates) addEnterZoneId(i[0]); for(int i : _final_gates) addTalkId(i); addAttackId(_herb_jar); addAttackId(18362); // first garden guard } public static void main(String[] args) { new NornilsGarden(-1, qn, "instances"); } } +τα lines που πείρα απο το Crystal Caverns πρέπει να είναι σε Boolean αν δεν κάνω λάθος ενώ τα checkConditions του Nornil'sGarden είναι σε String από ότι κατάλαβα. Ευχαριστώ για τον χρόνο σας.
You will implent cho'gall soon huh ;D anyways. nice bow. But i would prefer some wow style Helmets... or a guide to be able to do it and share them :P thnx for share
Hello. I want to set a Delay on Nornil's Garden instance... atm you can just run it over and over again until you finish... the Quest. So... i checked Crystal caverns... and it has some restrictions... about reentertime but iam not sure Where exactlty to put them in the Code... Can someone Guide me? what else i have to import etc etc? "as i said i just started with java and iam trying to understand how it works..." So if someone can help/explain me i would be gratefull thnx for your time Nornil'sGarden.java: * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package instances.NornilsGarden; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.InstanceManager.InstanceWorld; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.QuestManager; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Effect; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Party; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Skill; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2DoorInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2MonsterInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.entity.Instance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.State; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.zone.L2ZoneType; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.util.Util; import com.l2jserver.util.Rnd; /** ** @author Gnacik ** ** 2010-10-15 Based on official server Naia */ public class NornilsGarden extends Quest { private class NornilsWorld extends InstanceWorld { public L2Npc first_npc = null; public boolean spawned_1 = false; public boolean spawned_2 = false; public boolean spawned_3 = false; public boolean spawned_4 = false; public NornilsWorld() { } } private static final String qn = "NornilsGarden"; private static final int INSTANCE_ID = 11; private static final int DURATION_TIME = 70; private static final int EMPTY_DESTROY_TIME = 5; private static final int INSTANCE_LVL_MIN = 18; private static final int INSTANCE_LVL_MAX = 22; private static final int _garden_guard = 32330; private static final int[] _final_gates = { 32260, 32261, 32262 }; private static final int[] SPAWN_PPL = { -111184, 74540, -12430 }; private static final int[] EXIT_PPL = { -74058, 52040, -3680 }; private static final int[][] _auto_gates = { { 20110, 16200001 }, // Warriors gate { 20111, 16200004 }, // Midway gate { 20112, 16200013 } // Gate }; private static final L2Skill skill1 = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4322, 1); private static final L2Skill skill2 = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4327, 1); private static final L2Skill skill3 = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4329, 1); private static final L2Skill skill4 = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(4324, 1); private static final int _herb_jar = 18478; private static final int[][] _gatekeepers = { { 18352, 9703, 0 }, // Kamael Guard { 18353, 9704, 0 }, // Guardian of Records { 18354, 9705, 0 }, // Guardian of Observation { 18355, 9706, 0 }, // Spicula's Guard { 18356, 9707, 16200024 }, // Harkilgamed's Gatekeeper { 18357, 9708, 16200025 }, // Rodenpicula's Gatekeeper { 18358, 9713, 0 }, // Guardian of Secrets { 18359, 9709, 16200023 }, // Arviterre's Guardian { 18360, 9710, 0 }, // Katenar's Gatekeeper { 18361, 9711, 0 }, // Guardian of Prediction { 25528, 9712, 0 } // Tiberias }; private static final int[][] HP_HERBS_DROPLIST = { // itemId, count, chance { 8602, 1, 10 }, { 8601, 2, 40 }, { 8600, 3, 70 } }; private static final int[][] _group_1 = { { 18363, -109899, 74431, -12528, 16488 }, { 18483, -109701, 74501, -12528, 24576 }, { 18483, -109892, 74886, -12528, 0 }, { 18363, -109703, 74879, -12528, 49336 } }; private static final int[][] _group_2 = { { 18363, -110393, 78276, -12848, 49152 }, { 18363, -110561, 78276, -12848, 49152 }, { 18362, -110414, 78495, -12905, 48112 }, { 18362, -110545, 78489, -12903, 48939 }, { 18483, -110474, 78601, -12915, 49488 }, { 18362, -110474, 78884, -12915, 49338 }, { 18483, -110389, 79131, -12915, 48539 }, { 18483, -110551, 79134, -12915, 49151 } }; private static final int[][] _group_3 = { { 18483, -107798, 80721, -12912, 0 }, { 18483, -107798, 80546, -12912, 0 }, { 18347, -108033, 80644, -12912, 0 }, { 18363, -108520, 80647, -12912, 0 }, { 18483, -108740, 80752, -12912, 0 }, { 18363, -109016, 80642, -12912, 0 }, { 18483, -108740, 80546, -12912, 0 } }; private static final int[][] _group_4 = { { 18362, -110082, 83998, -12928, 0 }, { 18362, -110082, 84210, -12928, 0 }, { 18363, -109963, 84102, -12896, 0 }, { 18347, -109322, 84102, -12880, 0 }, { 18362, -109131, 84097, -12880, 0 }, { 18483, -108932, 84101, -12880, 0 }, { 18483, -109313, 84488, -12880, 0 }, { 18362, -109122, 84490, -12880, 0 }, { 18347, -108939, 84489, -12880, 0 } }; private static final int[][] MP_HERBS_DROPLIST = { // itemId, count, chance { 8605, 1, 10 }, { 8604, 2, 40 }, { 8603, 3, 70 } }; private static final void dropHerb(L2Npc mob, L2PcInstance player, int[][] drop) { final int chance = Rnd.get(100); for (int i = 0; i < drop.length; i++) { if (chance < drop[i][2]) ((L2MonsterInstance)mob).dropItem(player, drop[i][0], drop[i][1]); } } private static final void removeBuffs(L2Character ch) { for (L2Effect e : ch.getAllEffects()) { if (e == null) continue; L2Skill skill = e.getSkill(); if (skill.isDebuff() || skill.isStayAfterDeath()) continue; e.exit(); } } private static final void giveBuffs(L2Character ch) { if(skill1 != null) skill1.getEffects(ch, ch); if(skill2 != null) skill2.getEffects(ch, ch); if(skill3 != null) skill3.getEffects(ch, ch); if(skill4 != null) skill4.getEffects(ch, ch); } private static final void teleportPlayer(L2PcInstance player, int[] coords, int instanceId) { QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn); if (st == null) { Quest q = QuestManager.getInstance().getQuest(qn); st = q.newQuestState(player); } removeBuffs(player); giveBuffs(player); if (player.getPet() != null) { removeBuffs(player.getPet()); giveBuffs(player.getPet()); } player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); player.setInstanceId(instanceId); player.teleToLocation(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], true); } private void exitInstance(L2PcInstance player) { InstanceWorld inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(player.getInstanceId()); if (inst instanceof NornilsWorld) { NornilsWorld world = ((NornilsWorld) inst); world.allowed.remove(Integer.valueOf(player.getObjectId())); player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_IDLE); player.setInstanceId(0); player.teleToLocation(EXIT_PPL[0], EXIT_PPL[1], EXIT_PPL[2], true); } } private final synchronized String enterInstance(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { InstanceWorld world = InstanceManager.getInstance().getPlayerWorld(player); if (world != null) { if (!(world instanceof NornilsWorld) || world.templateId != INSTANCE_ID) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ALREADY_ENTERED_ANOTHER_INSTANCE_CANT_ENTER)); return null; } // check for level difference again on reenter if (player.getLevel() > INSTANCE_LVL_MAX || player.getLevel() < INSTANCE_LVL_MIN) { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT_NOT_SUFFICIENT); sm.addPcName(player); player.sendPacket(sm); return null; } // check what instance still exist Instance inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(world.instanceId); if (inst != null) { teleportPlayer(player, SPAWN_PPL , world.instanceId); } return null; } // Creating new instance else { String result = checkConditions(npc, player); if (!(result.equalsIgnoreCase("ok"))) return result; final int instanceId = InstanceManager.getInstance().createDynamicInstance("NornilsGarden.xml"); final Instance inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(instanceId); inst.setName(InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstanceIdName(INSTANCE_ID)); final int[] returnLoc = { player.getX(), player.getY(), player.getZ() }; inst.setSpawnLoc(returnLoc); inst.setAllowSummon(false); inst.setDuration(DURATION_TIME * 60000); inst.setEmptyDestroyTime(EMPTY_DESTROY_TIME * 60000); world = new NornilsWorld(); world.instanceId = instanceId; world.templateId = INSTANCE_ID; InstanceManager.getInstance().addWorld(world); _log.info("Nornils Garden: started, Instance: " + instanceId + " created by player: " + player.getName()); prepareInstance((NornilsWorld) world); // and finally teleport party into instance final L2Party party = player.getParty(); if(party != null) { for (L2PcInstance partyMember : party.getPartyMembers()) { world.allowed.add(partyMember.getObjectId()); teleportPlayer(partyMember, SPAWN_PPL, instanceId); } } return null; } } private void prepareInstance(NornilsWorld world) { world.first_npc = addSpawn(18362,-109702,74696,-12528, 49568, false, 0, false, world.instanceId); L2DoorInstance door = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(world.instanceId).getDoor(16200010); if (door != null) { door.setTargetable(false); door.setMeshIndex(2); } } private void spawn1(L2Npc npc) { InstanceWorld inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId()); if (inst instanceof NornilsWorld) { NornilsWorld world = ((NornilsWorld) inst); if (npc.equals(world.first_npc) && !world.spawned_1) { world.spawned_1 = true; for (int mob[] : _group_1) { addSpawn(mob[0], mob[1], mob[2], mob[3], mob[4], false, 0, false, world.instanceId); } } } } private void spawn2(L2Npc npc) { InstanceWorld inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(npc.getInstanceId()); if (inst instanceof NornilsWorld) { NornilsWorld world = ((NornilsWorld) inst); if (!world.spawned_2) { world.spawned_2 = true; for (int mob[] : _group_2) { addSpawn(mob[0], mob[1], mob[2], mob[3], mob[4], false, 0, false, world.instanceId); } } } } private void spawn3(L2Character cha) { InstanceWorld inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(cha.getInstanceId()); if (inst instanceof NornilsWorld) { NornilsWorld world = ((NornilsWorld) inst); if (!world.spawned_3) { world.spawned_3 = true; for (int mob[] : _group_3) { addSpawn(mob[0], mob[1], mob[2], mob[3], mob[4], false, 0, false, world.instanceId); } } } } private void spawn4(L2Character cha) { InstanceWorld inst = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(cha.getInstanceId()); if (inst instanceof NornilsWorld) { NornilsWorld world = ((NornilsWorld) inst); if (!world.spawned_4) { world.spawned_4 = true; for (int mob[] : _group_4) { addSpawn(mob[0], mob[1], mob[2], mob[3], mob[4], false, 0, false, world.instanceId); } } } } private void openDoor(QuestState st, L2PcInstance player, int doorId) { st.unset("correct"); InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(player.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof NornilsWorld) { L2DoorInstance door = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(tmpworld.instanceId).getDoor(doorId); if (door != null) door.openMe(); } } private static final String checkConditions(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { final L2Party party = player.getParty(); // player must be in party if (party == null) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NOT_IN_PARTY_CANT_ENTER)); return "32330-05.html"; } // ...and be party leader if (party.getLeader() != player) { player.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ONLY_PARTY_LEADER_CAN_ENTER)); return "32330-08.html"; } boolean _kamael = false; // for each party member for (L2PcInstance partyMember : party.getPartyMembers()) { // player level must be in range if (partyMember.getLevel() > INSTANCE_LVL_MAX) { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT_NOT_SUFFICIENT); sm.addPcName(partyMember); player.sendPacket(sm); return "32330-06.html"; } if (partyMember.getLevel() < INSTANCE_LVL_MIN) { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT_NOT_SUFFICIENT); sm.addPcName(partyMember); player.sendPacket(sm); return "32330-07.html"; } if ( partyMember.getClassId().level() != 0) { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT_NOT_SUFFICIENT); sm.addPcName(partyMember); player.sendPacket(sm); return "32330-06.html"; } // player must be near party leader if (!partyMember.isInsideRadius(player, 500, true, true)) { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_IS_IN_LOCATION_THAT_CANNOT_BE_ENTERED); sm.addPcName(partyMember); player.sendPacket(sm); return "32330-08.html"; } if (partyMember.getRace().ordinal() == 5) { QuestState checkst = partyMember.getQuestState("179_IntoTheLargeCavern"); if(checkst != null && checkst.getState() == State.STARTED) { _kamael = true; } else { SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.C1_QUEST_REQUIREMENT_NOT_SUFFICIENT); sm.addPcName(partyMember); player.sendPacket(sm); return "32330-08.html"; } } } if (!_kamael) { return "32330-08.html"; } return "ok"; } @Override public String onEnterZone(L2Character character, L2ZoneType zone) { if (character instanceof L2PcInstance && !character.isDead() && !character.isTeleporting() && ((L2PcInstance)character).isOnline()) { InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(character.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof NornilsWorld) { for (int _auto[] : _auto_gates) { if (zone.getId() == _auto[0]) { L2DoorInstance door = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(tmpworld.instanceId).getDoor(_auto[1]); if (door != null) door.openMe(); } if (zone.getId() == 20111) spawn3(character); else if(zone.getId() == 20112) spawn4(character); } } } return super.onEnterZone(character,zone); } @Override public final String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { player.sendMessage("On Event"); String htmltext = event; QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn); if(st == null) return getNoQuestMsg(player); if(npc.getNpcId() == _garden_guard && event.equalsIgnoreCase("enter_instance")) { try { htmltext = enterInstance(npc, player); } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (npc.getNpcId() == 32258 && event.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) { try { exitInstance(player); } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (Util.contains(_final_gates, npc.getNpcId())) { if(event.equalsIgnoreCase("32260-02.html") || event.equalsIgnoreCase("32261-02.html") || event.equalsIgnoreCase("32262-02.html")) { st.unset("correct"); } else if(Util.isDigit(event)) { int correct = st.getInt("correct"); correct++; st.set("correct", String.valueOf(correct)); htmltext = npc.getNpcId()+"-0"+String.valueOf(correct+2)+".html"; } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("check")) { int correct = st.getInt("correct"); if(npc.getNpcId() == 32260 && correct == 3) openDoor(st, player, 16200014); else if (npc.getNpcId() == 32261 && correct == 3) openDoor(st, player, 16200015); else if (npc.getNpcId() == 32262 && correct == 4) openDoor(st, player, 16200016); else return npc.getNpcId()+"-00.html"; } } return htmltext; } @Override public final String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { if (Util.contains(_final_gates, npc.getNpcId())) { QuestState cst = player.getQuestState("179_IntoTheLargeCavern"); if (cst != null && cst.getState() == State.STARTED) { return npc.getNpcId()+"-01.html"; } else return getNoQuestMsg(player); } return null; } @Override public final String onFirstTalk (L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn); if (st == null) { Quest q = QuestManager.getInstance().getQuest(qn); st = q.newQuestState(player); } return npc.getNpcId()+".html"; } @Override public final String onAttack(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance attacker, int damage, boolean isPet) { if (npc.getNpcId() == _herb_jar && !npc.isDead()) { dropHerb(npc, attacker, HP_HERBS_DROPLIST); dropHerb(npc, attacker, MP_HERBS_DROPLIST); npc.doDie(attacker); } else if (npc.getNpcId() == 18362 && npc.getInstanceId() > 0) { spawn1(npc); } return null; } @Override public final String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player, boolean isPet) { QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn); if (st == null) return null; for (int _gk[] : _gatekeepers) { if (npc.getNpcId() == _gk[0]) { // Drop key ((L2MonsterInstance)npc).dropItem(player, _gk[1], 1); // Check if gatekeeper should open bridge, and open it if (_gk[2] > 0) { InstanceWorld tmpworld = InstanceManager.getInstance().getWorld(player.getInstanceId()); if (tmpworld instanceof NornilsWorld) { L2DoorInstance door = InstanceManager.getInstance().getInstance(tmpworld.instanceId).getDoor(_gk[2]); if (door != null) { door.openMe(); door.sendInfo(player); } } } } if(npc.getNpcId() == 18355) spawn2(npc); } return super.onKill(npc, player, isPet); } public NornilsGarden(int questId, String name, String descr) { super(questId, name, descr); addStartNpc(_garden_guard); addFirstTalkId(_garden_guard); addTalkId(_garden_guard); for(int i[] : _gatekeepers) addKillId(i[0]); for(int i[] : _auto_gates) addEnterZoneId(i[0]); for(int i : _final_gates) addTalkId(i); addAttackId(_herb_jar); addAttackId(18362); // first garden guard } public static void main(String[] args) { new NornilsGarden(-1, qn, "instances"); } }
EDIT: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=222887.0 wrong section/already discussed. My bad... someone remove/lock my topic. thnx Well... Seams... like an... Atomic bomb present to every private server... imo always... Q: You believe that privates will still stay alive after that and why? "Speaking about low-mid rates" Cause... imo High rate pvp servers...will always have their fans. BUT... we have to realise... that High rates... for most ppl means Fullbuff... something... that right now. isnt such Hard in retail. I hope that retail's grinding... and Hopefully High priced... shop will make some ppl say ah f2ck this... Ofc some ppl... will say... ah we have time for this... dont hurry up...
found it thnx: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=219233.0 testing result:working fine thnx again 8)
thnx. trying PS:i have to use l2file edit threw lige's menu right? result: Counting field 'cnt_tex1' referenced by 'tex1' is inappropriate (1828744960). | | File scan error: | | row: 1 / 10460 | | field: 4 / 33 (name: tex1)