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About grancanyon

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  1. tora bikes apla na spammareis ? oti nanai
  2. l2net v385 is working good on freya
  3. after many fixes etc the problem now is that it stucks at the place which you can see in pic , its not going to the next step... help someone please Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  4. re mages kaneis... ?
  5. hi pedes to exo kanei kai sto english section kai dn pira kamia apantisi .. elpizw edo na ginei kati... epsaxna edo sto forum script gia l2net kai vrika , eixe kati san guide na to po... alla epeidi dn exo ksana kanei pote script (mexri tora botara mono dn ksero pos ginete) alla eipa dn *** as prospathiso alla m petaei kapio error... ekana ta eksis : pira to script p eixe sto guide kai to ekana create new next ston fakelo scripts mesa sto l2 net Uploaded with ImageShack.us meta eftiaksa ta stixia p elege opws sto guide dld to name tou weapon to name tis ls to g.stones kai ti augme thelo http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/6269/53529538.jpg[/img] Uploaded with ImageShack.us meta logara sto game kanonika me to net piga scripting-set script main clickara auto p eixa ftiaksei kai meta start script http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/5346/32359965.jpg[/img] Uploaded with ImageShack.us telika omws dn egine tpt kai m evgale kati san error oti kai kala dn exo target ton npc.Ton ekana target aniksa kai ta parathira tou augme kai cancel augme ala pali to idio http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/1692/23754206.jpg[/img] Uploaded with ImageShack.us sigoura kapia patata exo kanei gt opws eipa kai prin dn exo idea epeidi itan i proti fora p dokimaza. please an kserei kapios as help ligo :/
  6. could someone help a lil ?
  7. hello mxc i m new here, i was trying to find a script for auto augment and i found it. i tried for first time to add a scipt since the only thing i've done with net is pure botting :P let me explain in you why i made this topic. thats what i understood from the topic which i read.. first of all i created a new text to add the script Uploaded with ImageShack.us secondly i added those things that are needed ( the weap which i want to augme,name of lifestone g.stones etc. http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/6269/53529538.jpg[/img] Uploaded with ImageShack.us then i logged in game with l2net clicked to scripting then set script main clicked to the "script" and then clicked start script. http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/5346/32359965.jpg[/img] Uploaded with ImageShack.us but i got this error :/ http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/1692/23754206.jpg[/img] Uploaded with ImageShack.us i targeted the npc but nothing happened.. i had already opened the augme and cancel augme window too im 99% sure that i fuked everything up cuz as i said its was my first time .. could someone help ? :)
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