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Everything posted by apressas

  1. to Hlapex k to PHX einai gia hacks sto L2 server..(stelnei paketa) to Walker k to l2.net einai botting..dld vazeis to char na xparei mono tou kai na mazeuei drops k adena.. Ta 2 prwta dn doulevoun pleon mias k to security apo tin NCSoft exei au3i8ei k dn afinei na ekdilw8oun ta la8akia tou parel8wntos..TO Walker zei kai vasileuei..
  2. There's no enchant trick m8..It's Just LUCK!
  3. The commands that it can accept are the same that hlapex uses?These that are included in "The Hlapex Blackbook" of Ripper-B???
  4. Welcome m8!
  5. allo!
  6. Welcome!
  7. ΕΕΕγραψες μαν!!!Άριστος!Παω να χώσω Hawkeye στον Crazy (Onyx)
  8. The server is up..And 'cause the other topic is locked..les try and post our results here!!
  9. ~Όλα τα accounts έχουν διατηρηθεί όπως ήταν ..μονο τα accounts. Αυτό σημαίνει πως δεν θα χρειαστεί να κάνετε Account create από την αρχή. Τα characters όπως ζήτησε η πλειοψηφία του server έγιναν WIPE.~ This shows that there r no chars..:P U suck m8..
  10. I trade a LvL 71 treasure hunter in Onyx with Full B , 100KK , and SA B Dagger for a char or items on another server. I would prefer L2 Elite , L2 Blood/Venteta , Cosmos Destiny , Pride or Light.. :)
  11. Oh...then it's over...
  12. Nope...
  13. Transfer to English section..Btw..this is not an exploit but a client mod ;-)..
  14. I've a BiGg prob..:P I tried to Bot on la2crazy and i failed..but after..i 'couldn't login with any of my accounts..it said .Access faild try again later. I tried from another pc and i managed to login..So i 've an IP Ban eh?:P How can i bypass the IP Ban..i've restarted the router 3 times but nothing happened..
  15. HmM..I'll try the Interlude Bot (Walker 1.79) and i'll inform ya laterz..
  16. L2 Cosmos turned to Interlude..does it work???
  17. Thanxx..very good
  18. La2 Crazy ,L2 Light
  19. Ελληνας δέν είσαι?Γιατί γράφεις αγγλικά σε ελληνικό sub forum?:S Βtw..Δεν γίνεται να το τρέξεις απο το l2.exe?
  20. @Angel..ill try it as soon as possible @mOrdaneus...Pls upload it somewher else..I have a prob with this host!
  21. I need one asap..Pls H.e.L.p
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