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Posts posted by xXObanXx

  1. what's the problem?

    for me it works.


    on eclipse don't get any error and on build too... but in the game don't show me the screenmessage


    check please if this code is ok:

    			 ExShowScreenMessage vote = (new ExShowScreenMessage("Need " + votesneed + " votes More to Reward all Players.", 10000));
    		 for(L2PcInstance player : L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().values())
    			 if(player == null)

    i have any problem on this?

  2. actually that's bad , first of all you forgot to add the sendPacket method .

    and this way creates the packet for all online characters , thing that it's not needed.


    So the best way:



    ExShowScreenMessage enter = new ExShowScreenMessage("Your message here", 5000);
    for(L2PcInstance j : L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().values()){
    if(j == null)


    thank's for help, i will test it now if it works!

  3. Its easy to code


    I didnt told you to do that because i told it

    I told you to disable light for duelists because they use light for speed + m.def increase vs mages and they are op enough with heavy vs mages...

    I also told you

    I told you to disable heavy for tyrant because they are more op than duelist and have very much defence (light is retail) so that mean duelists will sucks vs him ,also the classes that barely beats duelist or cant beat they wont stand 1 chance against tyrants ,simple :D


    but don't forget that light don't give so much p.def like Heavy... so they will die easier!

  4. oban ,most balanced is retail buff slot.. 24+12 (with divine inspiration)

    Also ,you need to add anti heavy for tyrant ,anti light for gladiators as well ;))


    i cannot do that to any class... titan from default equip heavy armor... and as secondary is light armor... when i will finish with server's codes and npc i will check very much the balance... every player will tested and will nerfed or will be fixed for better balance vs other classes!

  5. Good luck with your server :)

    thank you Shadow!


    Where is .dressme?

    No achievements?

    Boring farming,pvp again?

    Too high rates?

    Again 2-3 boring zones with 1-2 type of moobs?

    Another copy/paste events with no great features?


    I hope i helped you! :D


    .dressme will be added on server! you will see it on the next update here about server

    will no have very much farm... but just for 1 only item!

    Will have big and good PvP Zones for Much Fun!

    Farming Zones will be very good and interested with good mobs and drops!

    Events will be coded but another but will be Very Reworked by me or my developers...


    I hope i answered you! :D

  6. Hello MaxCheaters Members! This is a Preview of my Futured Server!




    Rates & Limits:


    Xp: x1000

    Sp: x1000

    Drop: x1

    Party Xp/Sp: x2

    Safe Enchant: +5

    Max Enchant: +20

    Max Subclass: 3

    Max Enchant Level (Attribute): lv7

    Safe Enchant Change: 70%

    Blessed Enchant Change: 100%

    Max Buff Amount: 45

    Max Dance/Song Amount: 24




    All The Custom Features & Bugs Fix:


    Custom Unstuck Animation Skill ID ✓

    Anti-Walker Protection System (Rework) ✓

    OverEnchant Fix! (Anti-Hack) ✓

    Olympiad Balanced Regen ✓

    Forbidd Combat Players to use GK ✓

    Anti-Pk Protection for low level characters ✓

    Take Clan Skills Without Restart ✓

    Fixes duplicate classes ✓

    1 week Olympiad ✓

    Anti Heavy For Archers and Daggers + SubClass Fix ✓

    Visual NPC to PC transform ✓

    Guard hitting only pkers ✓

    Tanker classes with bow fixed ✓

    PvP Color System ✓

    Cannot Speak While player is Dead ✓

    Anti - Stuck sub Fixed ✓

    Cannot Drain HP When is in Flag ✓

    Double speed when is inside Peace Zone ✓

    Killing Spree System ✓

    Npc Chat ✓

    Vote Reward System ✓

    Cannot Trade while in Combat ✓

    Anti feed same ip (Party-Clan etc) ✓

    Last Hero Evet ✓

    Nerf Dagger's and Archer's while use Heavy ✓

    PvP Protection ✓

    Not allow bsoe when you are Flagged ✓

    PvP Related Chat System ✓

    Anti-AFK on TvT ✓

    DM Event Loading....

    TvT Round Event Loading....

    CTF Event Loading....





    Luxury Gatekeeper

    Deluxe Buffer


    Anti-PK Guard

    Sex Manager

    Noblesse Manager



    (Website is on Develop Side, You will inform about website when will be ready!)


    See the topic for the New Updates will come...

    for any Extra bug or any good feature that want to server have PM me or post here!


    [move]Until the Next Update, Good Bye and Have Fun![/move]

  7. Search for


    else if (command.startsWith("Subclass"))
    	// Subclasses may not be changed while a skill is in use.
    	if (player.isCastingNow() || player.isAllSkillsDisabled())


    or something like that and add there player.isInCombat() :)


    o thank you very much! i edit a line from this code and it work perfectly! thank you very much all!!!


    Someone can close the topic now!

  8. not correct at all.

    just search on l2villagemasterinstance where the sub is taking place,and add a check for combact,like trys told you.


    i edit that... is it true?


    -					if (allowAddition && !Config.ALT_GAME_SUBCLASS_WITHOUT_QUESTS)
    +					if (allowAddition && !Config.ALT_GAME_SUBCLASS_WITHOUT_QUESTS && !player.isInCombat())
    					allowAddition = checkQuests(player);
    				if (allowAddition && isValidNewSubClass(player, paramOne))
    					if (!player.addSubClass(paramOne, player.getTotalSubClasses() + 1))

  9. You know the basics of java?

    if yes,go and find in your source where the subclass system is done,and add the method for dissallow players which are in combact to make a subclass or even change..

    now,if you do not know such things,reply here and we'll help you with the full code(even if its quite easy..)

    I know some thing's but not exactly this!

    e.g. i know:

    if (activeChar.isInCombat) && player.(any code for subclass)


    player.sendMessage("bla bla bla")



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