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About dpz0r

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Hi, i was wondering if you can somehow remove the bloody rain or the red mist/fog. My current PC is a crap and can barely face those. Thanx.
  2. Interlude.
  3. Looking forward too it, players need a decent server since everywhere they go its only crap. Good luck w/ the project.
  4. Server failed.
  5. http://imageshack.us/f/43/shot00017w.png/ GF server.
  6. Custom armor set... n it all went to hell, too bad, it has nice features.
  7. Server Rates: Exp: x1000 SP: x1000 Drop: x1 Adena: x10.000 Safe enchant +10 Max enchant +25 Rate 60% Normal //Rate 95% Blessed LAGLESS Server Info: No Clan Penalties: Clan lvl 11 3 Subclases + la clase Base Attribute System Gm Shop Services Manager (Noble, Colorname, Olympiand Rank...) NpcBuffer & VipBuffer// No Limit Buffs Top PvP/PK Quest seller (Completing quests with a single click) Global Gatekeeper Wedding System Castle Siege Fortress Siege Olympiads TvT Event TvT Event Round Twon War Deathmatch Capture the flag (CTF) Last Man Standing Mini Team vs Team My Warrior Event GM's Events Farm Zones (Safe zone, PvP Zone, Party Zone...) Boss Zones (Baium, Antharas, Valakas....) NO CUSTOMS! And more...! Enjoy :) www.naham.net Server started in 01.08.2011
  8. website looks kewl !
  9. When server started ? Or is it just beta ?
  10. To achieve +8 you got to farm a good while thats why the big prices. 90 players on and riseing check the community board. hf
  11. No customs and a fair balance.
  12. L2Vitoria Freya: (Opened 22/04/2011) - Rates XP 1000x / Adena 1000x / SP 1000x / Drop 1x - Safe Enchant +3 / Max +10 - Normal Enchant 33% - We work with FULL Geodata and FULL PathNode! (the best one) - Buff time 3 hour - 24+4 Buffs Slots - GM Shop, Teleports and more! - Heine PVP City - Heine with 2 Farm Zone Areas - Level-Up area Farm - 12 Song&Dance Slots - NPC Buffer in all cities with FULL buff - Gatekeeper in all cities - All Items Donate achieved without - Subclass WITHOUT Quest! - Nobless WITHOUT Quest! - Automatic drop events every day. - TvT 3 in 3 Hours - Olympics 15 in 15 days. - Sieges - Quest job lvl20 lvl40 lvl76 Free! - Good Fun Server: - Processor: Type Intel Xeon X3440 - Clock Rate 4x 2.53 GHz - Operating System: Windows 2008 Server R2 64b - WebServer - Memory 32GB DDR3 - Ip: Dedicated - Traffic: Unlimited - Dedicated Link: 100 Mbp/s - Dedicated European http://www.l2vitoria.net/x1000/index.php?id=home
  13. Launch will be on December, Wednesday 1st at 5pm GMT+0. 99% of the skills are working perfectly and most of the gracia epilogue areas working. Files will be under constant development and updated to Freya when have good and stable tested enviroment. For eveybody looking for a good and stable high rate with not crazy imbalanced donations, then this server is for YOU! Pvp and pve experience is quiet close to retail and will do our best to have the high rate community pleased with a few custom events. Specifications: Hardware: Intel Bi Xeon E5530 2x 4x 2x 2.40+ GHz 16 GB DDR3 ECC (Upgradeable up to 144GB if needed) Intel SSD X25-E 2x 64 Go Raid 0 (lagless) 1x 1000 GB SAS for backups SwitchPort 1 Gbps Located in Europe with good latency. Game Details: Rates EXP/SP: 100x/100x Adena: 100x EXP quests:10x Hellbound: 25x Spoil: x5 Song/Dances/Buffs: 1 hour (normal ones) NPC Buffer: No 3rd class buffs/song/dances Siege/Territory War: Each 15 days (Retail like) Heroes: Each 15 days All profession changes buyable. Noblesse buyable Autolearn Skills (80-) Buyable 80+ skill books Epics spawn reduced 50% except Frintezza. GM shop up to S84, Gear/Weapons can be buyed with Adena and Ancient adena. S84 will be buyed with Adena, Ancient adena and Hellbound quest reward items (Tome of Demons) www.Frintezza.com
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