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Everything posted by NexusElite

  1. no problem im here to share good stuff :)
  2. thx that was what i was looking for thx alot
  3. oh sry did forget to say its for freya l2j server
  4. hey all i need help to find where to change the spawn point where pll spawn in oly
  5. Nexus Elite Freya PvP Server Rates: Exp x1000 Sp x1000 Adena Drop x1000 Party Exp x2 Party Sp x2 Spoil Drop x2 No Custom items Auto Learn All skills Npc: Gm shop with all items Scheme Buffer 2h buff Nobless Npc Pk/PvP Rank npc Agument Npc Global Gk Custom Farm Zone : Safe Farm thats easy to farm Pvp Farm with harder mobs Party Farm Zone So Join Us Now And You will Never Leave Again [shadow=red,left][glow=red,2,300]Nexuselite.org [/glow][/shadow]
  6. the server is gona be rebuild as a c4 server now its gona be better then the gf server btw the name i got befor the other server whent online or if its the com site
  7. Here is the system that all need its a clean systemfolder c4 protocol 660 http://www.4shared.com/file/OwcLJxHU/C4_660_protocol_system.html
  8. Hi i got a problem i cant connect to server (im in a local network so i use ) but i cant connect to login server and in the client i get to login scene enter my username and password and press ok but nothing happens can somone pls help me (the server side is running fine with no error)
  9. ther is non reg page but you can join the forum and reg is auto create account
  10. yea but the setup on the server is like a hige rate server you will lvl like a x 1000 server
  11. http://nexuselite.org
  12. NEXUS ELITE GRACIA FINAL [glow=red,2,300]Server Rates:[/glow] Exp x50 Adena drop x100 Party Exp x1,5 Spoil Drop x1,5 [glow=red,2,300]Custom Items:[/glow] Black Vesper armor Black Vesper Weapons Black Vesper Jewles Epic Armor Epic Weapons Numenor armor Numenor Weapons Gm Shop Scheme Buffer Color Name Npc Global Teleporter Special Team Farm zone Auto TvT Special Gm Events And Many More things [glow=red,2,300]Enchant Rate:[/glow] All Safe 4 All Max 20 Normal Scrolls 66% Blessed Scrolls 75% Auto create Account So Visit Us on http://nexuselite.org for More info about the server
  13. black vesper is a old share and armor is allso a old share i allready got long time ago
  14. maby im just trying to make a new sample of the armor again, maby it works. I hope so this armor is so nice thx to you Ave and dont get me started on the weapons they are so cool :)
  15. i just wanna know why i cant see the armor i see the icon but when i wear the armor i cant see what did i do false sry my bad english im having a bad typing day
  16. thats a very sweet new armor the new green one if i had the skills and time to do the same armor type as you AVE i be one of the best :) but you still (AVE = you are the best )
  17. Cretits To AVE for making the armor And me For Adapt it download http://www.4shared.com/file/CvdVEnKq/Ice_Vesper_Armor__Ice_Helmet__.html
  18. Im done with the heavy set for 2.3 and im working on the light set now so soon im done and i will upload it
  19. woot woot this is really a nice work you did.
  20. btw CE and EVE are the best modders i know just a shame that eve got bann
  21. this is a very good lokking armor i really like it ty for the share
  22. i really like this armor too but i was trying to change it to version 2.3 but got a error in the Morcv4.utx and the ForcV4.utx just wanna know if you got the same error whaen you was making the convert to interlude i hope you can help me
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