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About Haloon

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    Rythm Dream

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Hi guys,i decided to post this bug wich i found by accident. So lets start. 1.Go into marked area. Uploaded with ImageShack.us 2.Find mob named Lighting Sentry http://old.wowhead.com/npc=26407 When atacked,they summon Charged sentry totems with 23hp,and they give exp,so thats our main target. 3.Take 80lvl healer (with reflecting shield would be best) and toon wich gonna be leveled.I used this to lvl hunter,because they can hit from range,other clases require deflecting shield to get exp for totems. 4.Healer takes 2-3 Lighting Sentries,damages them a bit,and keep healing himself when toon kills totems.Btw dont be in party :) Hawe fun lvl alts to 80 uber fast P.S. : yes,i know,my english sux,but i hope you understand what i want to say :P Good luck
  2. No Class wich i hate,but i newer play with orcs,just dont like them.Dwarfs FTW !
  3. Class-Human Mystic Name-FlatsGhost Server-L2 Betterworld Somehow managed to rise that till lvl 20 and chage class,and i was so damn happy when i traded to cedar staff ^_^
  4. For me,best 2 dps classes is Hunter and Feral Druid.I wote for druid,because if u know how to handle him,you will deal monstrous amount of dps.
  5. Same execution error
  6. Maybe im doing something wrong but : right mouse on zipped phx-->open--->chose L2phx.exe and im getting execution error >_< maybe im doing something wrong?
  7. When im trying to launch PHX i get this wtf ? :S
  8. Works on Bfdr.eu . Non Stop killing mobs :)
  9. dunno why but ewery phx from this list is show'n like virused.Im presing ignore,trying to launch phx and geting mesage that i'm not aloved to use it.Only newest version is clear,but i dont know how to use it,no respond from her ;\
  10. Tested on bfdr.eu server,dont works there,and tested in EK server,dont works there too. EDIT - Works on L2.exploders.lt server EDIT 2 - Dont works on L2inc :(
  11. God damn dude,let him finish this miracle.The Longer you wait-bigger satisfaction you get :D
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