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Everything posted by Weeds

  1. Bump , Adena available again , 5-6 kkk in stock . 1 E /100kk
  2. bump , cheap price
  3. Beware of user CAN0NE with email canelsquard@yahoo.com . He will pose as a buyer and ask you to login on a scam page . hxxp://verify.show-ability.com/ is the scam page . DO NOT USE THIS LINK AND REPORT IT TO GOOGLE AS PHISHING PAGE . http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/report_phish/
  4. All items available , bump
  5. Grand Khavatari 79 + Subclass Quest done Doomcryer 79 - SOLD Fortune Seeker 79 wind rider 81 lvl/tyrant 76/sws 74/noblesse./basic caravan certificate SD 79 And some other stuff . Contact on msn at weedsmxc@hotmail.com or here on pm . Payment method is PayPal .
  6. up , 1kkk available .
  7. up , 1kkk available sold in 5 min .
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