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Everything posted by Vagrancy™

  1. kalhspera paidia 8a h8ela na m peite pws mporw na kanw upgrade mia new revision sta pack mou!!xwris na xa8oun ta npc kai ola ta upolipa!!!euxaristo poly to pack mou exw kanei compile!
  2. kalhspera paidia...!!!!!opoios exei kanena Event opws DM an mporei kai kserei pws na pernaei to Java an exei oreksi na me help meso TeamViewer!! euxaristo ekto proteron!
  3. kalhtero poio einai na tou kanw delete to skill h na ta kanw ola 80 lvl....?
  4. nai otan paw na tou kanw hit...ksereis pws na to bgalw na to kanei auto?
  5. kalhspera!!!8a h8ela na rwthsw gt se ka8e Boss pou paw na to kanw hit mou kanoun to raid curse pws mporw auto na to alaksw kai na to kill kanonika xwris na m kanei auto to skill sunexeia.......
  6. i try to follow this guide...but i cant find { /gameserver/data/custom/ directory.} To make this script work just folow this infos ! Copy the directory BossRespawn on your /gameserver/data/custom/ directory. Edit the scripts.cfg file who is located on your /gameserver/data directory and add the folowing line: custom/BossRespawn/BossRespawn.java under custom field. Then execute the sql file in your database. Everything is done !
  7. kalhspera paidia an kserei kaneis pws mporw na kanw auto to nps na douleuei se freya pack?einai ftiagmeno gia epiloque! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=158178.0
  8. kalhmera paidia!!!exw psaksh ligo to forum ala 8elw na brw diafora protections gia server freya...an exei kapoios ipopsin toy kati kai exei thn kalosini na boh8hsh 8a to ektimousa pollh euxaristo ekto proteron!!!
  9. @ss42ss filos to ekana etsi opws mou eipes ala den mporoun na mpoun aloi mesa....mono egw mporw na mpw!
  10. mhpws mporeite na mou peite pou bazw thn no-ip pou exw sto ipconfig.xml se freya pack.......basika 8elw na m peite pws to ftiaxnw!!!
  11. to problhma to brhka!!!eixa balei ipsili prostasia sto antivarius!!!!!sas euxaristo!!!
  12. kalhspera padia den mporw me tpt na anoiksw tis port exw kanei ola ta guide den mou a oigoun me tpt......sundesh conn-x......mupws kserei kaneis kanena kaoo guide? http://img69.imageshack.us/i/97206565.png/
  13. exw kanei post 2 images rikse mia matia na mou peis an ksereis!
  14. http://img402.imageshack.us/i/14965021.png/ ......oriste kai to ipconfing.xml
  15. nai ok....aplos den eimai sigouros an einai swsto .......malon to exw la8os...
  16. hi paidia......exw ena l2j freya pack........kai exw problhma me to (start game server)sthn console mou bgazei auto... http://img844.imageshack.us/i/89392637.png/ .............an mporei na mou kapoios pws mporw na to dior8osw....
  17. kalhspera paidia!!!8a h8ela ligo mu eksigisete ti einai to TimeLine tis DP kai GS.....kai pws ta kanw instal auta afou exw kanei compile......euxaristo poly!!
  18. koita egw eixa ton server auton online gia 5 mines me 200 atoma mesa....ala eixe lag me to palio m to pc oxi trelo lagg....twra pisteuw pws den 8a exw me to pc pou 8a ftiaksw......L2Sation ton elegan ala ton eklisa gt ginane kapies pareksigisis me alous (ADM) :)!!kai twra skeftomai na ton ksanakanw Online....ala xriazete kapia fix :P:P
  19. katse nba perimeno kai ton MOSSANO an 8imi8i aliws 8a dwkimasw to diko s!
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