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About Sh1mm

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  1. Nobody interested this?
  2. Good afternoon! I ask, do not find it for advertising! Moderators and people who will support sections for english-speaking people allcheats.ru are necessary to a site. I ask to help, that who wants! Sections: WOW http://allcheats.ru/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=88 L2 http://allcheats.ru/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=87 Thanks all for attention. Offers to write to me in PM, I shall necessarily respond. P.S. Sorry for my bad english!
  3. Heh...some guys make moneys on it, and you want it fo free...he-he...USe search.
  4. No problem guys $)
  5. Some tools (from underground) -from what underground? - L2sin (RUSSIA forever) - working, but this version write on Delphi, working wersion on C++ - L2Shis (RU) - fake, trojan. Destroy your some programs im operating memory. Megahack from cheaters.com.ru (no pasword found yet) - Mega Hack - LOOOOL!!!! No coment. Skill hack: - Skill Hack - exploit for counter-strike or Q3...no coment. This is a big joke...Ond you all try this! Hahahaha...lols... ADMINISTRATOR allcheats.ru. P.S. Sory for my bad english. I`m not use transleter. P.S.S This is maxbastar`s joke =)))
  6. l2sin working...but you can`t use it...loools Нехуй пиздить что не надо!
  7. What you doing, guy...
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