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Everything posted by DragonHunt0r

  1. haha lol dont buy this bullshit I've seen this in action at MaxPain his pc using teamviewer and i've seen the following things: 1. His server can only accept 1 connection 2. Server is crashing after like 10 seconds of dos attack 3. look for ur self at this screenshot 4. his server is full of bugs just look at the console and read those errors lol 5. look at his code for the login server... its like few lines of code wth 6. ur program is not coded in C# its vb.net u dumb ass http://i56.tinypic.com/2j19xzk.png[/img]
  2. Rev22 - http://trac.assembla.com/l2c/changeset/22 Fixed some bugs Added some checks if the client has sended the first 2 packets: Version, Auth rev23 - http://trac.assembla.com/l2c/changeset/23 some more anti-attack... and some packet checks have fun attacking ;)
  3. dedicated to seed server what the hell is that supposed to mean ? lol Bytes and packets are the same thing and i know for sure u don't know anything about C#
  4. boeman (the other dev) is at some vacation for 4 days but he will be back tomorrow i think atm we must think about the L2World and npc server, so before we do commits we want to get it done ;p the { get; set; } is just some property like.. if its int karma { get; } you only get the value but you can't change it
  5. new update... some bug fixes Now ur able to use skills, it will just show the animation it will not do any damage yet
  6. nice project... i guess there are sooooooooo.............. many keyloggers out there already with the same features lol Why not making a lineage2 user/pass stealer Inject .dll into lineage2 decrypt traffic its sending to the server and there u go u stole the username/password... the main goal of a keylogger is just getting a password so why not decrypting traffic xD and why ur not posting this at http://www.maxhackers.com/forum/ probably there's no one going to that site anymore XD
  7. rev9 Admin Panel in communityboard ;) if ur admin/gm just open the communityboard and there u go For now u can only use SetDex?... but hey it's a start http://i56.tinypic.com/2hwcgvk.png[/img]
  8. its c syntax what did you expect, but the Math class is probably not in java
  9. re-uploaded the project to the svn and we also have now a timeline too bad it says rev 3... we were at rev86 http://trac.assembla.com/l2c/timeline
  10. 18 no, we are writing our own and not based at l2j stuff
  11. We mostly work at this project at school because we are bored there, but also at home ofcourse but hey its just for fun and the main goal is ofcourse the performance so lots of players is able to join and not like l2j with max 500 players... never seen a l2j server with 1000 players online lol, mostly it just crash after 500 players
  12. the supported value can go upto like 4 billion its just l2off that goes till 99 but that doesn't say it does not go any higher then 99 the smallest data type is like 255 as byte It's just a simple calculation to get the speed... (Base Speed * DEX)Buffs + Armor Bonus + passives if you didn't knew
  13. ok so... i was having some fun using the //setdex command because it also controlled the movement speed of the character and ye.. i just putted my dex to like 2000000000 and this is what happened lol i was just jumping around in the sky haha XD
  14. new command: //setdex rewritten some Database Stuff Game server does now save all the players at shutdown some fixes... Added formulas
  15. Added L2Target Updated L2Say Updated some packets Added Target, UnselectTarget Created a new command: //say With this command ur able to say something with the selected target
  16. new updates.... Social Actions isGM Check CommandHandler Command: SetName
  17. ok a new big update from today we were working very hard and we are finally able to run ingame, having a minimap and having the char status working The character create is almost working its kinda buggy atm
  18. lol thats just dumb and everyone can download a converter and converting a whole java project in anything they want Working at a project is for fun and not by using some converter and getting all the poor performance l2j has
  19. The only reason l2j has to work for 6 years at ther project is because they just started when lineage2 came out and that was at chronicle 1 And yes we are not stealing any l2j code except ther blowfish encryption because those are 1024bytes and i don't wanna reverse engineering those bytes if they are just in the l2j source, you can watch the svn if you want For now our goal is getting ingame so fast as possible and then working at running/talking ingame etc...
  20. Ok so this update came from Boeman, great job ;) For now it's totally bugged because we were getting also lots of... incoming unknown packets But hey we are ingame
  21. svn is posted at our forum http://www.l2c-emu.com/
  22. thanks all ^^ This is the forum for the L2C Server Emulator http://www.l2c-emu.com/ SVN link will be soon posted...
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