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About marzano11

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  1. GO CHECK THIS DUMB RETARD http://l2grasf.com/forum/index.php?/topic/229-about-beta-x70/ GO AND ANSWER THIS "KEY" POST IDIOT
  2. fail serbidor, no chanelog, any admin or gm answer in forum, any gm online, no admin no nothing im trying to test in beta but need to know basic things, PLEASE LOG IN FORUM
  3. this is mid rate server, not low, go away idiot !
  4. i was ironic retarded piece of trash :), raid drop rates too high
  5. Rate Drop Items = 20x Rate Raid Drop Items: 15x bb craft, go make party, kill raids and get full party equiped 1day
  6. Rate Drop Items = 20x Rate Raid Drop Items: 15x bb craft, go make party, kill raids and get full party equiped 1day
  7. 250 online, fail server
  8. # Experience multiplier RateXp = 12 # Skill points multiplier RateSp = 12 # Experience multiplier (Party) RatePartyXp = 1.5 # Skill points multiplier (Party) RatePartySp = 1.5 RateConsumableCost = 1 RateDropItems = 12 RateRaidDropItems = 2 RateDropSpoil = 14 RateDropManor = 1 RateKarmaExpLost = 1 RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 1 # Modify the date of all extractable items and skills. # Default: 1. RateExtractable = 1. # Hellbound trust increase/decrease multipliers RateHellboundTrustIncrease = 5 RateHellboundTrustDecrease = 5 # Quest Multipliers # Warning: Many quests need to be rewritten # for this setting to work properly. # Quest item drop multiplier RateQuestDrop = 3 # Exp/SP reward multipliers RateQuestRewardXP = 5 RateQuestRewardSP = 5 # Adena reward multiplier RateQuestRewardAdena = 5 # Use additional item multipliers? # Default: False UseQuestRewardMultipliers = True # Default reward multiplier # When UseRewardMultipliers=False - default multiplier is used for any reward # When UseRewardMultipliers=True - default multiplier is used for all items not affected by additional multipliers # Default: 1 RateQuestReward = 5 # Additional quest-reward multipliers based on item type RateQuestRewardPotion = 2 RateQuestRewardScroll = 1 RateQuestRewardRecipe = 1 RateQuestRewardMaterial = 2 # List of items affected by custom drop rate by id, used now for Adena rate too. # Usage: itemId1,dropChance1;itemId2,dropChance2;... # Note: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers! # Example for Raid boss 1x jewelry: 6656,1;6657,1;6658,1;6659,1;6660,1;6661,1;6662,1;8191,1;10170,1;10314,1; # Default: 57,1 RateDropItemsById = 57,15
  9. no spoil info ? fail server, dont post shits if u dont even say spoil rate, wtf is that
  10. check www.l2spartacus.com ;)
  11. h5 ? this is freya, fail server
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