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Posts posted by JavaQuestions

  1. esis dn katalavenete auto to link ine gia fix tou srv attacker apo tou dragonhunter ti dn katalavenete re aporw .apla aporw...pes oti dokimazei to pedi attack tou dragonhunter to v1 kai tou bgazei auto to error(se emena auto ebgaze) kai etc vazei to code ala to code exei problem kai dn afinei tous pektes sto login.ti dn katalavenete?

    kai omws eixe dikio.....evgala to code to ksanaevala kai twra mpainei kanonikotata!!!! se euxaristw polu george...

    aa kai Crash alh fora na perimeneis na deis apotelesmata prin milhseis!! ;)

    thx kai pali George.. :)


    to prob luthike kapiosmod na to lock thx..

  2. paidia o server anoigei kanonika mia xara xwris error...alla otanpaw na kanw login fanw mexri ekei p exei ena table kai dialegeis pion server theleis  (p.x : l2dominion multiskill i l2dominion pvp) kai s leei i ok i cansel...kai dn m deixnei katholou ton paixth.... :/ ti fteei?

  3. #=============================================================
    #            L2DC Custom Engines						 =
    # Those settings can modify the behaviour of your server.
    # Your server will NOT be as retail servers.
    # Those settings are useful if you own some special server
    # or really small server.
    # Server Name Config
    # Server Name Enabled: Displays a message on char login
    # with the server name you have set below.
    AltServerNameEnabled = True
    # Here you should type your server's name.
    AltServerName = Lin]e[Age Grand*
    # Section: PvP Title Color Change System
    # If pvp color is enabled then when a player reaches the amount
    # of pvp value his name will change his name's color.
    # Example: PvpAmmount1 = 500, when a character's PvP counter reaches 500, their name color will change
    # according to the ColorForAmount value.
    # Note: Colors Must Use RGB format.
    EnablePvPColorSystem = True
    # Pvp Amount & Name color level 1.
    PvpAmount1 = 1000
    ColorForAmount1 = 8B2500
    # Pvp Amount & Name color level 2.
    PvpAmount2 = 1500
    ColorForAmount2 = CD5C5C
    # Pvp Amount & Name color level 3.
    PvpAmount3 = 2500
    ColorForAmount3 = 00FF00
    # Pvp Amount & Name color level 4.
    PvpAmount4 = 4000
    ColorForAmount4 = CD3700
    # Pvp Amount & Name color level 5.
    PvpAmount5 = 5000
    ColorForAmount5 = BF3EFF
    # Section: PK Title Color System
    # Same as above, with the difference that the PK counter changes the title color.
    # Example:  PkAmmount1 = 500, when a character's PK counter reaches 500, their title color will change
    # according to the Title For Amount.
    # Note: Colors Must Use RGB format.
    EnablePkColorSystem = False
    # Pk Amount & Title color level 1.
    PkAmount1 = 500
    TitleForAmount1 = 00FF00
    # Pk Amount & Title color level 2.
    PkAmount2 = 1000
    TitleForAmount2 = 00FF00
    # Pk Amount & Title color level 3.
    PkAmount3 = 1500
    TitleForAmount3 = 00FF00
    # Pk Amount & Title color level 4.
    PkAmount4 = 2500
    TitleForAmount4 = 00FF00
    # Pk Amount & Title color level 5.
    PkAmount5 = 5000
    TitleForAmount5 = 00FF00
    # Use rule of BossZone.
    UseRuleOfBossZone = True
    # L2DC NPC Buffer
    # Enable / Disable custom NPC Buffer ( id = 50 )
    # Default value: False
    NPCBufferEnabled = True
    # Max schemes that a player can store. Please, do not use too big values!
    # Default value: 4 ( one per subclass )
    NPCBufferMaxSchemesPerChar = 10
    # Max skills that a player can store in each scheme. Please, do not use too big values.
    # This value should match to max buffs a player can carry
    # Default value: 24 (max buffs are 24 in retail)
    NPCBufferMaxSkllsperScheme = 100
    # This enables/disables storing character schemes at server shutdown to database
    # Default = True
    NPCBufferStoreSchemes = True
    # This is to bypasss SQL Adena amount reference so that you can set the same cost for all
    # or even setting them for free.
    # Free = 0
    # Disabled = -1 (if you want to read adena from SQL) 
    # Default value: -1
    NPCBufferStaticCostPerBuff = -1
    # Alternative buffer ( id = 51 ) 
    # Simple Buffer for Newbie players
    AlternativeBufferEnabled = True
    # L2DC Custom Tables
    # Enable / Disable custom tables.
    # The rest of the custom tables are already activated..
    # Custom Spawnlist Table
    CustomSpawnlistTable = True
    #Gm Spawn gets saved on custom_spawnlist Table?
    SaveGmSpawnOnCustom = True
    #Gm Spawn gets deleted on custom_spawnlist Table?
    DeleteGmSpawnOnCustom = False
    # L2DC Custom PK-Info
    # If it is enabled then it shows pk info to the players everytime
    # a pk or pvp is done. Messages are:
    # "You have killed PlayerX y times".
    # OR
    # "You have been killed y times by PlayerX. 
    EnablePkInfo = False
    # L2DC Custom Reward
    # Enable / Disable custom reward
    # It gives a medal ( or whatever item you set) to the winner of a pvp
    # You can configure the id and the amount.
    PvpRewardEnabled = False
    RewardItemId = 6392
    RewardAmmount = 1
    PkRewardEnabled = False
    PkRewardItemId = 6392
    PkRewardAmount = 1
    # Section: Limit Attack Speed
    # 1 = Limit Power Attack Speed
    # 2 = Limit Magic Attack Speed
    # Note: (0 = disabled and default)
    MaxPAtkSpeed = 1500
    MaxMAtkSpeed = 2100
    # Donator Config
    # If it is true then donators will have their name colored.
    DonatorNameColorEnabled = False
    # Donator Name's Color.
    DonatorColorName = 00FFFF
    # Donator Title's Colon.
    DonatorTitleColor = 00FFFF
    # VIP Config
    # If it is true then vip will have their name colored.
    VipNameColorEnabled = False
    # VIP Name's Color.
    VipColorName = 00FFFF
    # VIP Title's Color.
    VipTitleColor = 00FFFF
    # Custom Features
    # When True, this will allow a person who changes subclasses to keep the skills of the previous class.
    # When False, this will remove all skills of the previous sub=class, 
    # and only award skills of the current class.
    # (official = False)
    KeepSubClassSkills = False
    #Shows total players number on login.
    OnlineOnLogin = True
    # If it is true, it shows a htm on every player's log in.
    # It is located in data/html/welcome.htm
    # You can edit it from there.
    WelcomeHtm = True
    # Announce The Wielder of The Cursed Weapon
    AllowAnnounceCursedWeaponWielder = True
    # Show the GM's name who made the announcement.
    # example: "Announce: hi [GM]"
    AnnounceGmName = False
    # Announce Weddings?
    # When a Player Gets Married With Someone Else , Announce It?
    # Default : True
    AnnounceWedding = True
    #Max subclasses allowed. ( Retail = 3 )
    MaxSubNumber = 4
    # Enchant Value.
    # A Scroll , By Default Enchants The Item By One.
    # You Can Set The Number From Here.
    # Example : IF CustomEnchantValue = 5 The Enchantment Will
    # Go From +0 to +5 , from +5 to +10 , and from +10 to +15 etc
    # Default / Retail : 1
    CustomEnchantValue = 1
    # Allow Cursed Weapon Equipped Player Use Potions?
    # Retail / Default : True
    AllowCursedWeaponPlayerUsePots = True
    # Restore Effects When a Player Changes / Adds SubClass?
    # Retail : False
    RestoreEffectsOnSubClassChange = False
    # Allow players to teleport while being flagged.
    # Useful for pvp servers when you dont want your players to run away from pvp.
    # Using the GK's inside the farm zones.
    FlaggedPlayerCanUseGK = False
    # Allow players to buff and heal while being flagged.
    # Useful for pvp servers that has lame buffers.
    # Using the Buffers inside the farm zones.
    AltKarmaFlagPlayerCanUseBuffer= True
    # Allows Player to have trade in refusal mode.
    AllowTradeOff = False
    # Allows grade penalty.
    GradePenalty = False
    # Noble Custom Item Configuration.
    # When ActiveChar will use this item will gain Noble Status.
    EnableNobleCustomItem = True
    NobleCustomItemId = 7679
    SubClassNeededToUseNobleItem = True
    # Hero Custom Item Configuration.
    # When ActiveChar will use this item will gain Hero Status.
    EnableHeroCustomItem = True
    HeroCustomItem = 3481
    NobleStatusNeededToUseHeroItem = True
    # Allow Custom Starting Level. 
    # Usage: if True , Then When A New Character is Created , Its Level is Automatically
    # Setted To The Number of CharLvl
    CustomStartingLvl = True
    # Character Level You Want
    CharLvl = 25
    # Allow hero shine
    HeroShine = True
    # This gives the Administrator/Owner the option to modify the blow success in percent by a dagger.
    FrontBlow = 50
    BackBlow = 70
    SideBlow = 60
    # Alternative damage for dagger skills. 
    # NOTE: Before Doing Anything You Must KNOW What You Are Doing 
    # Changes Might RUIN The Game. 
    DaggerVSHeavy = 2.10
    DaggerVSRobe = 1.40
    DaggerVSLight = 1.60
    # Enchant Hero Weapons?
    # Default : False
    EnchantHeroWeapons = False
    # Reuse Delay for potions (in seconds).
    # (official = 0)
    PotionsDelay = 2
    # Reuse Delay for Elixir potions (in seconds).
    # (official = 300000)
    ElixirsDelay = 300000
    # Hero Skills on Subclass
    HeroSkillsSubs = False
    # Alternative Gemstones Count By Grade 
    # Gemstones Count For C Grade 
    AltGradeCGemstones = 20
    # Gemstones Count For B Grade 
    AltGradeBGemstones = 30
    # Gemstones Count For A Grade 
    AltGradeAGemstones = 20
    # Gemstones Count For S Grade 
    AltGradeSGemstones = 25
    # Custom L2DC Commands                                             
    # Allows user to view our command list
    # You can edit this .html file from:
    # data/html/l2dc/command.htm
    AllowCommandCommand = False
    # Allows user to use command .info
    # You can edit this html file from: 
    # data/html/l2dc/info.htm
    AllowInfoCommand = True
    # Allows user to use command .donate
    # You can edit this html file from: 
    # data/html/l2dc/donate.htm
    AllowDonateCommand = False
    # Allows user to use command .online
    # Displays The Number of The Players That are Currently Online.
    # Default : False
    AllowOnlinePlayersVoicedCommand = False
    # Allows user to use command .stat
    # And view the targets statics.
    AllowStatView = False
    # Allows user the power to select auto-loot enabled or 
    # disabled for themselves. 
    # Syntax: .autoherbs_on .autoherbs_off 
    AllowAutoHerbsCommand = False
    # Allows users to use command .res
    # This command allow to ressurecte
    # Your Target (Costs 1Gb)
    AllowResCommand = False
    # Allows user to use command .cl
    # Teleports you to your clan leader
    # (Costs 1Gb)
    AllowClCommand = False
    # Allows user to use command .farm1
    AllowFarm1Command = False
    # Put your Farm1 Location ( x,y,z )
    farm1_X = -70640
    farm1_Y = 257766
    farm1_Z = -3115
    # Message after after successful TP
    Farm1CustomMeesage = You have been teleported to Farm Zone 1!
    # Allows user to use command .farm2
    AllowFarm2Command = False
    # Put your Farm2 Location ( x,y,z )
    farm2_X = 0
    farm2_Y = 0
    farm2_Z = 0
    # Message after after successful TP
    Farm2CustomMeesage = You have been teleported to Farm Zone 2!
    # Allows user to use command .pvp1
    AllowPvP1Command = False
    # Put your Farm1 Location ( x,y,z )
    pvp1_X = 0
    pvp1_Y = 0
    pvp1_Z = 0
    # Message after after successful TP
    PvP1CustomMeesage = You have been teleported to PvP Zone 1!
    # Allows user to use command .pvp2
    AllowPvP2Command = False
    # Put your Farm2 Location ( x,y,z )
    pvp2_X = 0
    pvp2_Y = 0
    pvp2_Z = 0
    # Message after after successful TP
    PvP2CustomMeesage = You have been teleported to PvP Zone 2!
    # L2DC DualBox System
    # Allow Dual Box
    # Recommended = True
    AllowDualBox = True
    # Add here the ip if the player can't log in, cus of a router or
    # he is in a internet caffe.
    # Examples: You can add his full ip if he has Static ip Ex:
    # For dinamic ip (ip that changes) just add his first 3 ip column Ex: 000.000.000.
    DualBoxException =
    # L2DC Banking System
    # To enable banking system set this value to true, default is false.
    BankingEnabled = False
    # This is the amount of Goldbars someone will get when they do the .deposit command, and also the same amount they will lose when they do .withdraw
    BankingGoldbarCount = 1
    # This is the amount of Adena someone will get when they do the .withdraw command, and also the same amount they will lose when they do .deposit
    BankingAdenaCount = 1000000000
    # This is the ID Of the "Gold Bar" Item.
    # Default : 3470
    BankingGoldBarId = 3470
    # L2DC Skill Config
    # Check skills on login?
    CheckSkillsOnEnter = False
    # List of Skills that are allowed for all Classes if CheckSkillsOnEnter = True
    AllowedSkills = 541,542,543,544,545,546,547,548,549,550,551,552,553,554,555,556,557,558,617,618,619
    # L2DC Equipment Config
    # Alternate Gaming
    # Usage: true  = Restriction enabled
    #        false = Restriction disabled
    # Castle Shield can be equipped by all clan members if they own a castle. = default true
    CastleShieldRestriction = True
    # ClanHall Shield can be equipped by all clan members if they own a clan hall. = default true
    ClanHallShieldRestriction = True
    # Apella armors can be equipped only by clan members if their class is Baron or higher = default true
    ApellaArmorsRestriction = True
    # Clan Oath Armors can be equipped only by clan members = default true
    OathArmorsRestriction = True
    # Castle Crown can be equipped only by castle lord = default true
    CastleLordsCrownRestriction = True
    # Castle Circlets can be equipped only by clan members if they own a castle = default true
    CastleCircletsRestriction = True
    # Away System Config ( .away and .back commands )
    # Allow Players to change status Away.
    AllowAwayStatus = True
    AwayOnlyInPeaceZone = False
    # Allow other Player target Away Player's.
    AwayAllowInterference = False
    # Player take mobs aggro if he is Away.
    AwayPlayerTakeAggro = False
    # Away status title Color (red 0000FF).
    AwayTitleColor = 0000FF
    # How many sec till player goes in away mode.
    AwayTimer = 10
    # How many sec till player goes back from away mode.
    BackTimer = 10
    # Prevent client from monster hp bar update packets flooding.
    # Set the interval in seconds.
    # 1 = Hp bar of mobs will update only 1 time per second.
    # It looks like lag but is not!!!
    MonstersHpBarUpdate = 1
    # Gracia Features
    # Mdam distance formula.
    # The bigger the distance between you and your target,
    # the less the magic damage you do.
    DistMdamFormula = True
    # Archer distance formula.
    # The bigger the distance between you and your target, 
    # the less the damage using a bow you do.
    DistBowFormula = True
    # Skills & Effects
    # When this is enabled it will read the "SkillDurationList" option.
    # This will basically overlook the "time = x" in the skill XMLs so that you do not need to modify the L2DC Datapack XMLs to increase skill duration.
    # Skill duration list: 
    # Format: skillid,newtime;skillid2,newtime2
    # Example: 
    #	This enable 1h(3600) duration for songs, the "\"indicates new line,
    #	and is only set for formating purposes.
    #	SkillDurationList = 264,3600;265,3600;266,3600;267,3600;268,3600;\
    #	269,3600;270,3600;304,3600;305,1200;306,3600;308,3600;349,3600;\
    #	363,3600;364,3600
    # Default: False
    EnableModifySkillDuration = False
    # Say Filter
    # Enable chat filter(default = false)
    UseChatFilter = true
    # Replace illegal words with following chars
    ChatFilterChars = ***
    # Player punishment for illegal word:
    # Options: 1 - off - no punishment for illegal words
    #          2 - jail - jail if says a illegal punishment
    ChatFilterPunishment = off
    # How long the punishment is in effect, minutes
    ChatFilterPunishmentParam1 = 1
    # How much to increase every new punishment for player, minutes
    ChatFilterPunishmentParam2 = 1
    # Time limit of invade to lair of bosses after server restarted.
    TimeLimitOfInvade = 1800000
    # -------------------------------
    # Properties of fight with Antharas.
    # By SANDMAN
    # Interval time of Antharas.
    # Value is minute. Range 5-20160
    FixIntervalOfAntharas = 11520
    RandomIntervalOfAntharas = 8640
    # Delay of appearance time of Antharas.
    # Value is minute. Range 5-60
    AppTimeOfAntharas = 60
    # Activity time of Antharas.
    # Value is minute. Range 120-720
    ActivityTimeOfAntharas = 120
    # Type of Antharas subjugation.
    # If setting 'True'. The change in the power of Antharas doesn't occur.
    OldAntharas = False
    # Limitation value to change power of Antharas by number of players in Antharas's lair. 
    # --Notes--
    # Weak: LimitOfWeak >= Players
    # Normal: LimitOfWeak < Players <= LimitOfNormal
    # Strong: Players > LimitOfNormal
    # if LimitOfWeak >= LimitOfNormal then LimitOfNormal = LimitOfWeak + 1
    # Weak
    LimitOfWeak = 299
    # Normal
    LimitOfNormal = 399
    # Interval time for spawn of Antharas's minions.
    # Value is minute. Range 1-10
    # Behemoth Dragon
    # Weak
    IntervalOfBehemothOnWeak = 8
    # Normal
    IntervalOfBehemothOnNormal = 5
    # Strong
    IntervalOfBehemothOnStrong = 3
    # Dragon Bomber
    # Weak
    IntervalOfBomberOnWeak = 6
    # Normal
    IntervalOfBomberOnNormal = 4
    # Strong
    IntervalOfBomberOnStrong = 3
    # Whether it moves at random after Antharas appears is decided.
    MoveAtRandom = True
    # -------------------------------
    # Properties of fight with sailren.
    # By SANDMAN
    # Whether to enable the entry of a single player. 
    EnableSinglePlayer = False
    # Interval of spawn of next Sailren.
    # Value is minute. Range 5-2880
    FixIntervalOfSailrenSpawn = 1440
    RandomIntervalOfSailrenSpawn = 1440
    # Interval of spawn of next monster.
    # Value is minute. Range 1-10
    IntervalOfNextMonster = 1
    # Activity time of monsters
    # Value is minute. Range 120-720
    ActivityTimeOfMobs = 120
    # -------------------------------
    # Properties of fight with Valakas.
    # By SANDMAN
    # Interval time of Valakas.
    # Value is minute. Range 5-20160
    FixIntervalOfValakas = 11520
    RandomIntervalOfValakas = 8640
    # Delay of appearance time of Valakas.
    # Value is minute. Range 5-60
    AppTimeOfValakas = 20
    # Activity time of Valakas.
    # Value is minute. Range 120-720
    ActivityTimeOfValakas = 120
    # Limit of the number of the player that can enter into the lair of Valakas.
    # Range 9-360
    CapacityOfLairOfValakas = 200
    # Whether it moves at random after Valakas appears is decided.
    MoveAtRandom = True
    # -------------------------------
    # Properties of fight against High Priestess van Halter.
    # By SANDMAN
    # Interval time of High Priestess van Halter.
    # Value is second. Range 300-864000
    # Time of the interval is decided at random between FixIntervalOfVanHalter and FixIntervalOfVanHalter+RandomIntervalOfVanHalter.
    FixIntervalOfHalter = 172800
    RandomIntervalOfHalter = 86400
    # Delay of appearance time of High Priestess van Halter.
    # Value is second. Range 5-60
    AppTimeOfHalter = 20
    # Activity time of High Priestess van Halter.
    # Value is second. Range 7200-86400
    ActivityTimeOfHalter = 21600
    # Time of fight against High Priestess van Halter.
    # Value is second. Range 7200-21600
    FightTimeOfHalter = 7200
    # Count and interval of Royal Guard Helper calling.
    # Count Range 1-6
    CallRoyalGuardHelperCount = 6
    # Value is second. Range 1-60
    CallRoyalGuardHelperInterval = 10
    # Interval of opening and shutting of Door Of Altar.
    # Value is second. Range 60-5400
    IntervalOfDoorOfAlter = 5400
    # Time of lock to Door Of Altar after intruder is detected.
    # Value is second. Range 60-600
    TimeOfLockUpDoorOfAltar = 180
    # -------------------------------
    # Properties of fight with Baium.
    # By SANDMAN
    # Interval time of Baium.
    # Value is minute. Range 5-12960
    FixIntervalOfBaium = 7200
    RandomIntervalOfBaium = 5760
    # Activity time of Baium.
    # Value is minute. Range 120-720
    ActivityTimeOfBaium = 120
    # Whether it moves at random after Baium appears is decided.
    MoveAtRandom = True
    # Time limit until Baium sleeps. 
    # Value is minute. Range 30-90
    LimitUntilSleep = 30
    # Four Sepulchers
    # Default: 50
    TimeOfAttack = 50
    # Default: 5
    TimeOfCoolDown = 5
    # Default: 3
    TimeOfEntry = 3
    # Default: 2
    TimeOfWarmUp = 2
    # Default: 4
    NumberOfNecessaryPartyMembers = 4
    # Last Imperial Tomb - Frintezza
    RegistrationMode = 0
    RegistrationTime = 10
    MinPartyCount = 4
    MaxPartyCount = 5
    MinPlayerCount = 5
    MaxPlayerCount = 45
    TimeLimit = 35
    # Interval time of Frintezza.
    # Value is minute. Range 5-20160
    FixIntervalOfFrintezza = 11520
    RandomIntervalOfFrintezza = 8640
    # Delay of appearance time of Frintezza.
    # Value is minute. Range 5-60
    AppTimeOfFrintezza = 20
    # Activity time of Frintezza.
    # Value is minute. Range 120-720
    ActivityTimeOfFrintezza = 120
    # Allow Alternative Spawn For New Created Characters 
    AllowAltSpawnForNewChar = True 
    # Alt Spawns XYZ 
    # Type /loc ingame to cheack Your X/Y/Z
    AltSpawnNewCharX = 41075
    AltSpawnNewCharY = 183666
    AltSpawnNewCharZ = -3363
    # Allows to spawn siege guard when castle siege start. Disable will reduce lag in castle sieges
    # Default : True
    SpawnSiegeGuard = True

    auta einai ta custom pragmata p exei...twra mporei kai na exei kanei ena c/p apo to diko t pack gt dn mporei na mh vriskei arxeia....

  4. na rwthsw... pires pack xwris na 3ereis tpt? ennow apo pion ti protection exei kai tetia....


    sto problem s twra... exeis balei sta config to pass tis db???



    nai to exw valei...alla dn kserw an exw valei to swsto name sthn navicat...dld localhost/l2dc    <~~~ auto exw valei...

    Be sure oti i l2dc dn exei interlude.

    ti ennoeis?oti kai kala sigora dn exei il pak?

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