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Posts posted by DeathHunter

  1. Mate do you want 1000 players in 1 day? the server is young. and its here to stay. 

    I never saw a server to succeed whenever the starting online is so low , the reasoning is bad advertisement / no cps cared to play on your server anyway 1 month server low popularity you will think otherwise "its here  to stay"


    Im playing private servers for more years than your age so don't waste money on keeping the server open close it and open it again after proper preparation/advertisement.

  2. Server is dying... new players beraly make any adena from party's to buy books that cost like 30 apiga that each apiga costs 60adena its a nightmare for new players to get geared up .

    Server started to losing new players and only the geared ones stayed at the end i see only 30 ppl pvping and everyone fully geared.. rip server was fun tho!

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