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About Siqma

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  1. www.l2-gold.com
  2. And why would any company do that? lol
  3. Map inside the town is fine.global map as u can see is the problem.
  4. As the title says,whenever i open a map outside of town - its dark or blurry. I am atm using c4 client,so what should i do? And is it possible to implant an interlude map?
  5. Slade,i cannot send you any message,system is not allowing me.But here is my mail so you can pm me there or on skype : markoakasiqma@hotmail.com Everyone else who is interested,please contact me there.
  6. It's not only bugs,i need the protection from phx or any other package editor...
  7. Thanks,will do
  8. Hello everyone.As the title says,i am looking for C4 Extender. I know that Fred's depmax is not an option anymore,so if anybody knows where can i find/buy an alternative,please let me know.
  9. Live started...bump
  10. Server is going live tomorrow... chech www.l2gold.bz for new changes and features. And it will going to last because this time it has active and friendly staff. Also server will have mixed features from gold and old school(taken the best from both)
  11. bump
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