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Posts posted by BartzSale

  1. fixed? i dont think so i know only 2 servers that have fixed it, and 1 more where it didnt work in the first place. and i did it 2 weeks ago. I dont know why it happens exactly but i think if u stuck char and log after u dont get msg alreay in use. its quite tricky to succeed the 1st time i tried it I had to do it more than 4 times. I will test it later today and i will tell u.

  2. This is not a BUG. Used in official and many private servers by me and my clan to take Aden castle.


    In order to make this u need to be clan leader and have summon skill.

    So u have to be wc, summoner, or make one of em leader for 1 day or be married to a summoner (so he can tp to u).


    First of all u need to have a fortress with wyvern manager.

    Ride the wyvern and go to aden castle. From the castle u will see some corridors ("roads") that lead to the outer walls of the castle (that are always open).If u are wondering what i mean go at aden castle and u will see :P


    Those corridors have towers at their bottom. Land on one of them (deep down far away from the castle). These towers are far from the castle so they arent in siege zone.


    When siege starts (or before), summon ur warcryers or ur clan members (wc will be faster cause they summon rest pt members).


    Following the corridors there are 2 paths u can take. Choose any of them u like... One leads to throne room and the other at a balcony out of throne room. U will have to break doors ofc and kill guards but this way u avoid to brake walls, or fight defenders that are out of throne room or other attacking clans. :D


    Hope it helps :D

  3. This bug is tested and working 100% by me in almost all Epilogue Servers (need to test it in freya).



    Using this you can clone ANY comsumable item (mats,adena,coins,crystalls,ss,recipes -  NOT ARMORS WEAPONS JEWELS)


    We will need 2 chars lets say char A and char B.


    Lets say for example we have 2 recipes.


    - Character A has the recipes at his inventory. Hits an npc, monster, or gets hit by someone. (need to be in battle mode).

    - We open another l2 client ,add the login info or character A but dont login yet.

    - We use ctrl +alt + del and shutdown the client that char A is logged. (if u have char A and B logged in see the CPU usage the most high is the right one).

    - QUICKLY log the client where u wrote the login info of character A. (U must get msg - account is already in use. Add info again fast and log).

    - Login in game make 1 step and trade char B. From the 2 recipes put  the one to trade with char B. DONT PRESS CONFIRM. (in anything u might use ammount u give must be half of what u have or smaller).

    - Character B press OK.

    - Open new client and write the login info of character A.

    - Login char A (u dont get msg already in use), see the char and press enter.

    - During the logging process turn to 1st client of char A and hit fast ok at trade and exit game.

    - The client that was logging is now logged has 2 recipes on him and there is another at char B.

    - Make a restart with char A and now u can trade/sell/store them (if u dont make u cant do anything)


    You have to be fast enough in making the trade and exit game while other client logs, otherwise both the clients will shut down.

    DONT use with unstackable items it wont work and dont use it with 1 item u will lose it.


    Tested and working on 2 major servers dont wanna mention names cause was fixed later when they seen we had ENORMOUS amount of adena & mats for craft.


    If u test it on any server and found working pm me to add server name :D

  4. really is this for real? half the styles u are describing (not to say all) are sub-styles of breaking. (breakdance).

    The things u mention for each style are woth 0 for me .. u do not even describe how all these were made, how they started and why there are style differences.

    To go on, the beginner videos are ok but leave a lot of things out. Plus the advanced videos arent as easy as u think to make and needs a lot of exercise, safety, warm up and someone experienced with u because there is a high possibility of injury.

    U didnt even mention the name of the art u are trying to describe or even how someone who dances break is called...


    really if u try make a cool topic about something that noone else did before, try add some usefull info not some videos from u-tube ..

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