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Everything posted by KIL3R

  1. make one for topzone too thx
  2. hi i whant it too for my epilogue server ! i fail to adapt it :). So if u get it pls share thx!
  3. yes the olympiad is saved ! but i don't have errr on gameserver ! only in SQL table! thx all
  4. when i open table in navicat it gives me this errror : Olympiad_Fights does not have a primery key Updates to this table will be done using the following pseudo statement: Update olympiad_fights SET ModifiedFieldsAndValues WHERE AllFieldsAndOldValues LIMIT 1 (olympiat work 100% ) the olympad finish and give the hero stat to players but after restart doesn't remember the heroes! So oly is off now and no heroes :) i think the problem is in navicat tables
  5. yes man i know but this err is from olympiad system not from manual hero !
  6. Nope the olimpiad system work 100% give hero status and after rrrr all players lose it.I don't know why
  7. So theat is why u have -1 karma :d.Sure and how i know if it's good? and i sayd "share" not "sell" :) ur Noob
  8. hi any1 can share Full ctf for epilogure + ctf java engine + how to intall it !thx
  9. hi all !! I got o problem on my server with olympiad !Ppl's make hero and after i restart the server all lose the hero status ! If some1 knows why and how to fix it pls pls tell me thx!! so olympiad it's now off and no heroes :) !!When i open with navicat the heroes_diary and olympiad_fights tables it say's : Olympiad_Fights does not have a primery key Updates to this table will be done using the following pseudo statement: Update olympiad_fights SET ModifiedFieldsAndValues WHERE AllFieldsAndOldValues LIMIT 1 What shood i do to fix it ????? :( :'(
  10. i just finish the xml i will upload it !! But i have a NoItemName problem...!Can some1 tell me how to fix it pls???!!!THX all
  11. i download from 4share but i can't see the password!!! Can some1 tell me the pass PLS !!!THX ALL!! Awesome Share Chandy!
  12. yes they just dont work
  13. i tryed to adapt but with no result
  14. Hi if some1 have Aion weapons for epilogue pls shere thx all !
  15. WOW THX MAN . :D I Realize theat if i share it some1 like u will make the Npcgrp and Sql lines :P so thx ur greate
  16. Hi all ! So no1 make the SQL and npcgrp line for epilogue ? :)) ok i will try again but if some1 did pls share the lines here thx
  17. lol read the post before u download :P,yes i put only the texture for some1 who know how to make the SQL and npcgrp line and he will reshare it .maybe CriticalError will help :P
  18. hi all i have found this textures on la2base and i can't make it work on epilogue.So if some1 will fix this pls reshare it with SQL and npcgrp line thx Dounload :<a href="http://www.4shared.com/file/pPhoS8Yf/tyranosaurus1000.html"></a> Screens :<a href="http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=78157.0"></a> Credits to : alekssu
  19. Adapt them for epilogue pls :P
  20. this is for what Chronicles ????? epilogue ???
  21. Can some1 tell me the password of the archive ??? for the epilogue rar pls thx all
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