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Everything posted by Deloxic

  1. Looks promising, I'll wait.
  2. Who df you think you are to just log in and get all the top gear? Go away man.
  3. Lol, the GM's failed hard at the bosses. We were killing Orfen, a random guy comes in and gets all the drops... He wasn't even in the party or had done any kind of damage. GG
  4. Awesome server, really balanced and lag free.
  5. Admin seems to be having an hard time with the server. Maybe DDos ;o
  6. Sorry for taking so long to reply, I can't seem to understand your English. Telling me to get a life just shows everyone how desperate you are, because you don't know what else to say. Here's the deal, I'll call you Mr. Bot from now on because you suck so much at playing that you can't even click F1 to spam a skill. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're not good at anything. Later in life this is what might happen to you, you'll get a girl and other dudes will get her pregnant, then you might ask her "Baby, why did you do it?" and she will reply with "It's something you can't understand".
  7. Yeah man... Because playing on high rates servers really take a lot of real life time. Dude, you fail at everything you do, now stop spaming this thread. You'll never have a server as good as this one. Bye bye Mr. Bot.
  8. Btw... I saw L2 Tower there... Do you need also a tutorial for dummy's on how to play Lineage 2? Hahahaha
  9. AVG Anti Virus - Free ? Roflroflroflroflroflroflroflrolfrofl Get some real anti virus and then come tell us something that we don't know.
  10. Awwww, you can't even upload a picture? Would you like a tutorial for dummy's ?
  11. Please, show us the print screen. I bet that you will scan some system from your old servers, they weren't even well patched and were full of virus.
  12. Make your own server then come tell us what fail truly means.
  13. I don't want to start anything but the theme it's originally from DzinerStudio, you simply took it from some Warez forum and edited your way, you even took the copyrights of DzinerStudio. Unless you can prove me wrong, you're no one to tell people that it's your own theme. Thanks.
  14. Hmm I did like the whole archmage style but I think the background is a bit off, it feels like he is practicing fire magic in a peaceful area.
  15. Is that a dude ? O.O
  16. So here's a wallpaper I made for my Android Phone. The resolution is 960x800, works perfectly on MIUI. I got some resources from dA and the rest was creativity. Here's how it looks on my phone, with better graphic's of course. Hope you guys like it.
  17. Really nice features you got there. I would definitely buy it if I was a server owner. If there was a version for blog or portfolio I would consider buying it.
  18. I think this is the 3rd reborn they make. Anyways, good luck again.
  19. There's this thing called... let me see... what's the name of it ? FORUM! post your goddamn problems there. The GM's got a life as well that's why they can't be online 24/7 -.- Gosh... And that's a rollback... Sometimes it happens so deal with it and level up again. It's freakin high rates.
  20. What's next ? L2 Supernatural ? L2 Prison Break ? Gosh... The English language it's so huge find a damn word that isn't that much used and make it the server name. Anyways, good luck.
  21. Going to give it a try.
  22. Good luck with your server. Don't let those haters let you down, they just want a server where they can be the only OP's in the game. If I leave Frintezza I'll give it a try in your server.
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