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Posts posted by revochx

  1. ok lests start

    Thanks to you guys i have start and l2jserver fully working but....


    i would like to add somme new npc like GM shop, Nobless manager, Augmenter but not really necesary.

    Also i would like to add somme wingls specially Desert eagle wings but here i get an error

    i open l2 file edit open armorgrp.dat copy lines for wings save and encrypt an a error apears with say cannot open bla bla bla


    so i hope that u can help me with somme usefull links or downloads doesn't matter


    P.S. i have gracia final system that i play with:D

  2. re all sorry for that manny post but i am exaspered

    i want to make a server to play on with my friends just for fun

    so i have downloadded L2jServer_Rev_7602 edit it config it and start it

    Everything is looking good on it

    I let autocreate True so...  i make acount is says in login console that a new acount is created

    Ok so i log in with that acount and the server pop up apear everything is ok until here


    annything that i done it keep sayng that

    i have try with a nuew clean system folder of gracia epilogue and with a clean system of gracia finat still dont work :-[ :-[ :'( :'( :'( :'(

    i would do annything for help

    i respect this forum and i am sorry for that manny posts

    i am a lineage 2 lover but  is the first time when i try to make a server so it fail everytime so thats why i looking for answer from professional servers creators like u guys.

    i BEG for help :'(

  3. i am really new on this forum BUT i am a lineage 2 LOVER so thats why i want to make  a server to play with my friends.

    so here is my problem wich i really whis you guys will help me

    so i have look over the internet to get an l2j server and database

    i have instal java, mysql, navicat, instaled server, edit login and server, registered server as Bartz, edited Hosts files from system 32 , instaled lineage 2 gracia epilogue with clean system but after i log in the game in the window where my server Bartz is when i hit connect it says your protocol version is different please continue. i must say thai i have make all the setting in ip so i can play on localhost.

    hope that you guys maibe will help me with this step.

    Also i want to ask or get help about server for epilogue because maybe my server file are not for epilogue

    i put my trust in you guys .

    P.S. i really dont care if is for gracia final or epilogue but i beggin you guys help me. i do annything for a local host server for me and my friends.

  4. hello everybody!! i really need help

    i have setup a l2java server login and server works , when i make acount it logg in me but when is connect to server it say your protocol version bla bla bal please continue

    is there anny solution?

    i am beggin for help

    i want only to make a server  to play with my friends .

    so here is what i have donne

    i have search over the internet for an l2j server database

    so i have found unrar it an stat it to instal

    i have modified in tools database installer bat

    i have modified server proprietes

    i have modified login proprietes

    i have modified host

    when i log in it shows me the server window and when i hit connect is says your protocol version ... please continue


    i beg for help please

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