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Posts posted by unudoitrei

  1. well il post one more before i go to sleep


    in my sv beas is hard to get


    this is actualy how i made my dnet heavy +6 ....but it takes soem time


    so u need multibox so be carefull with that if ur server has limit of boxes on an ip


    so u need a strider ..... 4 chars at least depending on how many rooms u want to make


    my record was 3 but hard and if u have slow cpu and lag on 5/6 boxes sux


    so when 4 sepu starts go inside with first 4 chars ... u go in box spawns go near door summon strider get out go in other room


    since u already have 4 ppl in pty u can go fast in the 5 min interval in other room so box spawns there to


    then go first room i play with ty/de and i can make it in like 10 min ....kill halisha and good luck on beas


    then go back to 4 sepu and go in 2nd room where there is other box and go near door summon strider and press up arrow to get in


    ( btw if u dont see ur char inside after like 5 sec just do relog and u should be in the room )



    hope u understand what i wanted to say its pretty late so mby i wasnt cristal clear but its a good way to make beas since halisha is easy to kill on ty/de




  2. well since i love oly so much heres another one for u to try


    it wont actualy help u with hero or to make points but u can fuk ur competition or just to screw other people

    so reg oly with a nobles bot then run as fast as u can towards a guard go gludio because guard is near oly manager

    as soon as u get count hit the guard and make sure u die before countdown is over


    u will get a message like u are not able to participate and ur oponent will recive msg your oponent will recive you are not able to join oly when u are dead

    ur openent will lose 1/3 of hes max points and u will lose 0 points , so if hes ur competition on some class and he has soem points it will help u

    i tried it worked for some time but they fixed it now ..



    try it hope it works for u gl

  3. i didnt guaranty it works 100% ...it just worked for me ... i spent like 50 bews enchanting a dyna crusher and max was +6 .... i used walker and make icarus bow +10 from first then few months later i made +11 same bow ...not to mention +10 crusher and +9 dyan fist and alot of weapons and trust me im not lucky enchanter ...im just saying try it if it works for some1 il be happy

  4. well i was using this on my server but it got fix ...still i want to post it mby it will work on ur server ...i used this strictly for olympiad purpouse

    so for example on ty/de at oly u use all skill frnezy zealot over the body and u have like 14 min cool down if ur smart and use them with a dagger with rsk focus after u get out of stadium relog and delete ur char ....then log again and chose ur char again ...... u should have all skills reused :)

  5. alot of u are looking for new ways to better enchant ur weapons ....i noticed if u use l2 walker there is a bigger chance for ur weapon to succed ...before i was enchanting like +6 weapons bearly ( +3 is safe in my sv ) and now i even made +11 +10 like 3/4 times with not that many enchants ... all u have to do is start game in walker and at items just open ur enchant and apply to weapon .... hope it will work for u to

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