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Posts posted by unudoitrei

  1. so heres another one hope it will help u


    so u can apply this in two casses


    1. first u can use it to help a friend ( this is better cuz u need a bot so if u get ban doesnt bother u much )


    ur friend is fighting in oly vs some guy  xxxxxx


    use /trade xxxxxx and basicaly u will intrerupt hes heal skill etc etc


    2. u can do it when ur fighting but this way u might get ban



    hope it helps u have a good one Gl

  2. Yes..its a tactic that i take too sometimes...but is better to make better gear and only THEN join oly :)


    its not only about the gear ...there are soem chars that u simply cant win with urs no mather how good u play ...there is not char that wins 100% all chars

  3. Delete ur char?wow..i never tryed it before...but anyway..in Epilogue servers...when u enter the oly arena..the skills recharge automaticly..so no need for such bug


    yes but on alot of servers it doenst recharge automaticly so its usefull

  4. well alot of times there are a few chars that can kill me at oly and i need to avoid them


    i try to find camp them in the town they reg from but alot of time they changing town and its hard to look all over for him especialy if they go inside oly just for obser ( if for example he wants to catch u off guard to take ur points )


    a easy way to chek if hes in observer or not is to do /invite xxxxx


    one of three things will happen ....


    1 he will accept pty invitation


    2 he will decline


    3 after 10 seconds it wont say anything ( if this is the case this means he is inside olympiad observer )


    hope it helps u ...it works 100%

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