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Posts posted by Sarpedon

  1. Well, I didn't understand what exactly you are looking for..

    If what you're asking about the way to add a reward, then:

    - For L2JServer: There's every single configuration in l2jmods.properties file

    - For L2JFree: You can either do it in-game, by using //tvt, or edit the tvt.sql file from the very beginning and then load it.

  2. Everything is for every chronicle.

    Okay, some Gracia Epilogue buffs will certainly have problems being applied to interlude, but a hellbound, for example, buffer will have no problems being applied to CT2.4.

    The things you may just need to change are:

    1) The imports.

    2) The SQL File values.


    And that's all. It's not such a huge deal.

  3. package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers;


    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler;

    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;

    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.serverpackets.InventoryUpdate;

    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.serverpackets.ActionFailed;

    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util.Util;

    import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Object;


    public class transferhelp implements IVoicedCommandHandler


    private static String[] _voicedCommands =





    public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar)


            if (Util.calculateDistance(activeChar, target, true) > 150)

            return false; 1


    if (activeChar.getTarget() == null)

    return false;


    if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("transer"))


    L2Object target = activeChar.getTarget();


    // check if the target is missing and if it is a player.

    if (target != null && target instanceof L2PcInstance)

    ((L2PcInstance)target).addItem("Transferred", 57, 10000000, target, true); //the item is transferred. 2


    // remove the item the sender transferred.

    activeChar.getInventory().reduceAdena("AdenaTransfer", 10000000, activeChar, null); 3

    InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate();

    ((L2PcInstance)target).sendMessage("You have been given 10.000.000 adena.");

    activeChar.sendMessage("Your 10.000.000 adena dissapeared.");

    activeChar.sendPacket(iu); 4


    return true;



    public String[] getVoicedCommandList()


    return _voicedCommands;




    I will avoid to take the risk and point out your getTarget() method, since I suppose that i will be flamed as well.

    Let us take a look on what I have pointed out right now.


    1. Isn't that check a little bit useless? And even if you decide to add it, make sure to inform the player with a message saying the reason why he can't transfer.


    2. Avoid adding the item to the player first and removing them afterwards.


    3. There is no check to see if the player has the proper quantity in his inventory. In this way, even if the player has 1 adena, the other adena will be successfully transfered, and the player will simply lose 1 adena. Pretty easy way to farm adena by making bots.


    4. Kinda useless, ain't it? I mean, the result is the same even without it, check it out.



    As an overall comment, I'll have to say that you creation lacks of the proper checking and has some bad-written methods.

    Take your time to fix your errors and add the proper checks and I hope that you'll keep practicing on it.


    PS: Making mistakes is not bad, just try to avoid them in simple codes like this one.

  4. Dreams are the result of our brain's information processing.  

    That means that every person's dreams mean something else and the only  

    person who can explain someone's dream is the one who saw it.  

    Snakes,dogs,hot dogs,grills and anything else does not have a standard meaning  

    because they either are random pictures,scenes OR are the result of some hormones  

    produced by the brain in order to relax the person.  

    If you saw something in your dream and then what you have seen happened is not  

    a result of fate's involving but the result of the affection your dream caused to your  


    Also we can cause our dreams if we are in a specific psychological situation.As an example  

    if we are quite stressed it is rather possible to see that we are falling into a huge black gap.  

    If we want sex, then it is possible to see that we are having sex.  

    In addition the fact that you do not remember your dreams doesn't mean that you do not

    see dreams.Everybody sees dreams,it is something 100% natural.If you did not see dreams

    then you would have died from neural crisis.

    But keep in your mind that in ANY situation the dreams do not control us.

    Either we or nobody controls them.


  5. for what reason to do that skill? it unbalances the server cause eg p.att 1600 --> 2k but in 2400 --> 4000! look that


    Obviously because NCSoft designed the skill in order for it to be used?

    My point is that this skill is unbalanced in most servers and has to be fixed.

    I never told that this is a non-existing skill which has to be added.

  6. Rather useful for a MySQL user who is unable to detect an error on his MySQL server or the installation of it.

    Good Job, although it can be no help for an experienced user!

    Keep it up and we all hope to see you with more and prettier programs.


    Personal Statement: Written on VB 2008?




  7. Kind of bad written.

    First of all, don't you think that we have 'overloaded' L2PcInstance?

    Trying to extend it with new and cleaner classes would be the best thing to do.

    Recently I saw B1ggBoss's share about manual scripts to extend any files without having to touch the 'core' side and/or modify it.

    Try using this way to make that code and I am more than sure that:

    1) It will become more extensive.

    2) It will be clearer and more.. 'well-written'.


    I hope you will take into consideration all I suggested above.




  8. Excuse me gentlemen, but since when is the 'spam topic', this topic's concern?

    I cannot judge whether the very specific topic is a failure or not, although I suppose that it has nothing to do with the L2J Environment.

    Correct me in case I am mistaken.


    the code is for gracia epilogue?? u prefer apilogue to final???? make it for final cause a lot of user prefer final because it does not have so much lag-size-bugs-hacks...


    And your argument is?

  9. Come on!

    You see, there are 3 augments skills named "Prominence".

    The first one, hits one target with power 110, the other one hits one target with power 55 and the other one hits multiple targets with power 55.

    You were just unlucky to get the mass prominence on your augmented weapon.

    That's not XML knowledge, that's pure l2.


    Oh, and by the way, the XML you have provided above is not the one of the massive prominence, but the one of the one target and 110 power.

  10. its easier to rework it since theres the changesets also its much more better from many aspect if you check it


    I just find L2jServer's way too time consuming, since there are lots of definitions regarding this section.

    But as most users use L2J, and since it's a bit hard for somebody to rework it, I will devote some time to remake it on L2jServer's way.

    Thank you.

  11. 1st the skill enchants in the best way in current l2j epilogue check it out the rest is bad in every pack

    2nd general look

    3rd lack of a "standard" idk if you use any validation XSL or DTD or else but you might want to



    Your own opinion, and I certainly accept it.

    If you think that it will be easier for newbie users, and generally for everyone to make it in the way of L2jServer, then it would be my pleasure to remake it.

    Tell me what you think.

  12. Hello respectful MaxCheaters developers,


       The following code forms my very first share in this forum, and I firmly hope that it is going to help you.

     Allow me to explain what exactly I am going to provide you with.

     It is a certain skill, called Angelic Icon. Unfortunately, its use on private java servers is not even close to retail.

     This means that the players are unable to enjoy some functions of the Paladin class.

     Therefore, allow me to proceed with sharing the XML code.


    	<skill id="406" levels="3" name="Angelic Icon">
    	<table name="#Tab-runSpd">10 20 30</table>
    	<table name="#Tab-pAtkSpd">1.1 1.2 1.3</table>
    	<table name="#baseCrit">33 66 100</table>
    	<table name="#cAtk">33 66 100</table>
    	<table name="#stackOrder">1 2 3</table>
    	<set name="reuseDelay" val="300000"/>
    	<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
    	<set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
    	<set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>
    	<cond msg="Can be only used when HP is 30% or lower">
    		<player percentHP="30"/>
    	<enchant1 levels="30" name="Power">
    		<table name="#Tab-pAtkSpd">1.31 1.31 1.32 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.34 1.35 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.37 1.38 1.38 1.39 1.4 1.4 1.41 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.43 1.44 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.46 1.47 1.47 1.48</table>
    		<table name="#Tab-Def">1.51 1.51 1.52 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.54 1.55 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.57 1.58 1.58 1.59 1.6 1.6 1.61 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.63 1.64 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.66 1.67 1.67 1.68</table>
    	<enchant2 levels="30" name="Cost">
    		<table name="#Tab-hpEff">0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.4 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.5 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58 0.6 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.7 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.8</table>
    	<enchant3 levels="30" name="Recycle">
    		<table name="#reuseDelay">290000 280000 270000 260000 250000 240000 230000 220000 210000 200000 190000 180000 170000 160000 150000 140000 130000 120000 110000 100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 9000</table>
    	<enchant4 levels="30" name="Time">
    		<table name="#time">62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120</table>
    		<effect count="1" name="Buff" time="60" stackOrder="#stackOrder" stackType="Icon" val="0">
    			<mul order="0x30" stat="mDef" val="1.5"/>
    			<mul order="0x30" stat="pDef" val="1.5"/>
    			<add order="0x40" stat="accCombat" val="6"/>
    			<add order="0x40" stat="runSpd" val="#Tab-runSpd"/>
    			<mul order="0x30" stat="pAtkSpd" val="#Tab-pAtkSpd"/>
    			<mul order="0x30" stat="hpEff" val="0.2"/>
    			<add order="0x40" stat="baseCrit" val="#baseCrit">
    					<using kind="Sword, Big Sword, Pole"/>
    			<add order="0x40" stat="cAtk" val="#cAtk">
    					<using kind="Blunt, Big Blunt, Fist, Dual Fist"/>


    Now, let's explain what the skill is supposed to do.

    Once used, it provides the player with extra Physical/Magical Defense, a small amount of Attack Speed, increases the Critical Hit rate (when used with a Sword, a double handed Sword, or a Pole).

    Also, it increases HP Regeneration (just a bit) and increases the running speed as well as the accuracy of the player's hits.

    Angelic Icon is a buff, which can be used only once the player's HP is =< 30% and has a rather big reuse.


    Chronicle: Gracia Final




  13. I think that might don't works, anyone more have tested yet?


    Well, this will certainly not work, as not every single L2J Fork includes this configuration.

    It might be quite helpful for a high rate server, which includes this very special config., although:

    1) As I previously told, not every pack includes this.

    2) It may lead to possible imbalance and the destruction of some classes, such as the Blade Dancer.


    Thanks for your effort, although it is not really useful, as far as I am concerned.


    All yours,


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