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About supergoku

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  1. den 3erw an to eixate skopo alla vohthisate k mena!katalathos panta:p xaxaxa!1000 ty guys:)
  2. paidia opoios 3erei p einai to custom zone ston stucksubs gia AA na mou pei plz!!!
  3. g afto ekana afto to post:/...gt dn exw tosa post xthes bika:S
  4. Plz opios 3erei kalo bug xoris na exei ginei fix akoma ston l2mafia na to kanei post edw!(stucksubs)
  5. paidia me to cheat engine einai mono ikonika kai mono g na to vlepete eseis!mporeis na ala3eis ta panta me auto an 3ereis na to xrhsimopieis alla kai pali dn exei nohma
  6. nomizw exei 3anaginei post..alla to exw dokimasei k pianei
  7. polu kalo k polu eukolo..k nai ontws akougete xazo:P
  8. den a3izei ta 250 posts hide afto:p...exw ola ta skills ekei mesa k pali uparxoun kaluteroi
  9. to exw prospathisei alla dn egn tipota
  10. ta stats afta megalonoun sto sub p eixes h sto sub p metaferthikes??
  11. ty gia thn vohtheia:) akoma opios mporei na m vothisei na stisw ton server g na paizw mono egw (xwris na xriazomai compile k tetoia)arkei na douleuei o server k meta na ton customarw opws thelw egw..na m kanei add sto msn " astros_man@hotmail.com " h sto facebook --> http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1612173421 <-- h kai sta 2 :P ! ty for your attention:)
  12. einai g interlude?epishs phrazei p dn thelw na kanw compile kai to thelw mono g na paizw egw?k meta vlepw ti kanw an thelw na paizoun k alloi..ase p dn vlepw pouthena sosta serverpacks kai datapacks:/.afto thelw na epishmanw
  13. paidia exw gurisei olo to internet k dn exw vrei oloklhromeno guide!thelw kapoios na m kanei share edw ena guide p na exei mesa kai ta katalila download links kai to setup tou server kai to pws tha kanw login server(p.x me to l2encdec)gt gurnaw apo edw k apo ekei k mazeyw ta spasmena tou kathenos :P kourastika ilikrina kai xrhazomai enan maga p na mporei na ta postarei ola edw!exw berdeutei :D
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