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Posts posted by Warendo

  1. Hello, I could nicely use L2Tower as much as I wanted, but then admin made some changes in system, in his words "he wrote his own antibot", and now I rly cant log-in with walker or tower. Does anyone know, why or how to bypass it? There are that files :-) It couldnt be so hard to bypass it, admin was doing it about 30 minutes. Its L2OFF Gracia FInal.


    Thank you for any help :-)

  2. This week some new players joined server, so our community growed to 100+ everyday, I hope this growe will continue minimaly to 250+- online :-) There are still only czech players, so if you want to brink some international community here, we will be really glad.

    (Website is multilang.)


  3. Hello I have a problem with L2Tower, when I shut down window with Lineage, it works with big delay and I usualy die. Its the problem when I have more clients at the same time, only the active one is working, others are delayed. Does anyone know how to solve it please? :-)

  4. So first castle is taken, first clan wards are declared, first a few noblesse chars are running on our world. Czech community is slowly growing, utmost about 85 online, but international community is still on zero point, only czech/slovak players here. So if you are looking for a month old server, with prolonged buffs, luxury up to A gr and server without stupid NPC buffer, stupid global GK and GM shop, and u dont need 61186186 online players, this is right server for you. Join us and enjoy long time period game with no wipes, and no GM corruption (we have no any GM).


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