hmmm really curious if it still will work, as the server starts to ***** me.... first they have bugged 7signs which gives a huge advantage the few ones who knew it, then they had spoils like 10x which after 2 weeks !!! of server play they changed it to 3x and after 3-4 days of user complains they changed it to 6x ... so they made a huuuuge advantage to the top players / top cheaters / top bribers and now they are closing everything ...
and in the meantime i didn't mention the all day lags ! the lags were not there in the morning and from 00:00 in the evening...
so in other words, this is the most corrupt and retarded server i ever played on ...
so if l2w wont work i'm of it ...
sorry for this comment, but had to share the view on the server, bye.