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About jssom

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  1. I see that he's banned?
  2. Thanks WingChun :)
  3. [WTH]Php+mysql coder I going to make a big website with an acm, shop and some other things please pm me with your experience and samples of ur work
  4. Skype me for more Info. btw I'm sure it's protected so I need an export for this
  5. [WTH] 200$ for who find a bug to make unlimited adena on this server I don't really care how u r going to do it. hacking it, finding a bug whatever u do. Skype me jssomxx
  6. Hello every 1 i nee a good Dev can work with a Russian H5 pack pm please or add my skype : jssomxx
  7. just take the idea mate :P , do u need the link?
  8. and if some 1 wrote it wrong he will be jailed or what
  9. Elfo pmed
  10. some 1 is working on it right now , i'll pm if he failed
  11. Up
  12. Up , no 1 is working with client or what :)
  13. i don't know how del that poll
  14. Hello i need some one to encrypt my l2fonts.utx i edited every thing i only need to encrypt it msn : jssom-bs@hotmail.com skype: jssomxx
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