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Posts posted by zuzanebuna

  1. hai ma chiar asa, io preferam 2 days ban decat dekarma :D

    da ma dar oricum numi pasa de karma aia...si plus acum cat sunt pe drum..sami tin timpul cu ceva...eu si asea stateam in spam mai toata ziua ..ca oricum nu mai share nimic..ca nu am chef sa fac share pe un forum ca asta..ca dupa 2 zile sa gaseasca cineva sa il rezolve..;)..asea ca tin pt mn..deci nu am nevoie de karma.. si plus vreiam sa ii arat lu grisom ca il pot intrece la spam cont..da vad ca mia dat ban..bai ce oameni..si cand ajung in romania nu mai am eu chef de mxc..atunci ma duc pe plaje..ma plimb..mnezooo
  2. you want to Pm maxtor for a 2 days ban? LMAO


    If i would be admin and receive a PM like that i would increase the ban to 2 weeks instead of 2 days.

    you are right but i got ban for nothing... better dekarma or advertise.. or somnting but not ban..and yea 2 days...i have 3 days free from the work place..and after i will go back so i will no have anymore time ..
  3. Ai intrerupt lumea din iubire :)), si era si el atent acolo sa invetze ceva si ai bagat u filmuletzu <.<

    oricum asea ceva nu e normal.. am atata timp aici si numa cateva posturi si el imi zice mie ca reason  post cont



    ala are ceva cu mine.. ca nu e prima data cand imi da ban asea fara nici un motiv... Raule faci ceva pt noi romani sau??.. tie nici cati pasa...

  4. L0L, Cine o fii ratonul care ti`a dat ban >.<

    oare...grisom ala..ala da ban asea ca nu are ce face..nui pasa lui de membri..


    da asta nu e motiv am aproape 2 ani in forumu asta si am numa 500 posturi..deci concluzia e ca nu am vrut post cont..da ce sa ii faci daca el nu intelege chestia asta..el da ban doar sa arata ca cine e el,,oricum nu e frumos ce face si nici normal..

  5. You shouldn't be banned.. but what can you do? PM Maxtor or wait 2 days.

    really i dont care for my ban..but that is not normal... and omg i have more 3 days from my free time after i go to work aghain.. and i love this forum.. really he dont care for active members..:(
  6. You can't post music videos afaik.Anyway it's only 2 days relax...

    i know is 2 days..but is not normal...cuz i am normal user.. i see manny muzic vid there.. but all is donators/vip....



    BTW dont forgot normal user grou up this forum.... and wtf i have almost 2 years here i dont need post cont..X(...

  7. How many times have i wrote in this thread "THIS IS NOT A MUSIC VIDS THREAD"?? i even wrote it in the rules.


    babulina banned 2 days.


    Next one to spam with music videos to get postcount will get a perma.

    i have 2 years almost and onlly  592 post ..so i dont need post cont..i see there manny vid with muzic..:(( but that is not a reason to ban me...omg guys... may be dekarma..or somnting but not BAN,,that is not normal...
  8. good morning :)

    lol  what reason??.....to ban me..


    Sorry ®bubulina®, you are banned from using this forum!


    Reason: Read the rules of the youtube thread / 2 days ban


    Your ban is set to expire June 17, 2010, 12:39:44 AM.

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