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About LeVa

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  1. Agapaw MXC kai ma8hmata poker apo pros, Exete kapoio website paidia pou mporw na ma8w pws na paizw?
  2. It's a verified method a close friend of my suggested and it's rewarding to him ,proof included. And you don't have to pay anything,so why would you people start the have you tested it part? See for yourselves
  3. How to get $250/site monthly Hi, Guys. I'm here to share with you a simple technique that's making me earn around $250 a month per site. It envolves using adbride,bidvertiser and/or other contextual targeting sponsors (I would stick with don't use adsense becose you can get banned). The idea is to create a micro-niche website, with the right keywords and build thousands of indexed pages in google. 1) Register/Buy a domain with the related keyword you want to monetize, for example: "fitness.com" (of course it is not available, but you get the idea). 2) Download/Get/Buy a tube script, with youtube videos automation feature. I use Automagick Tube Script but you can use any you wish. Now. For this case, I have configured automagick to grab 25 videos a day from youtube (all videos related to the keyword "fitness"). In a matter of days, and with the sitemap the script generates, google will start indexing the pages, which are SE optimized and will be well positioned. 3) Once you have a couple of houndreed of videso (which means, indexed pages), you will place you ad banners (I would recommend image ads). You will not be earning $250 the first day, but in a couple of months, you will gain around that amount, per site, if you pick a good niche. And with this technique, having 10 sites like this, will make you earn $2500! Not bad, huh? I hope you liked it and don't hesitate to write, in case you have answers.
  4. Ddos protection possible but the price goes significantly up. 150e. Also there's is no 100% ddos protection out there yet. We are all using 99% ddos protection that means,only a very capable Ddoser with a powerful booter could bring the server down.
  5. HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Okey let's get serious. Do you honestly believe there is a way to protect from Ddos the way you mentioned. To be honest you can't find 100% Ddos protection anywhere. If you want you down,you're gonna fall. Also I'll agree with Frank's reply.
  6. As the titles indicates I'll be offering dedicated server hosting for 50e/monthly. I would also wish to keep this post clean if possible. * 24Gb ram, * 8 core @ 2.6 Ghz * 2TB storage * unmetered bandwidth * runs on win2003-enterprise * Demo account provided to check if it suits you For more questions or if you're interested add me in msn -->levadv@hotmail.com Thank you for your time.
  7. As the titles indicates I'm selling a free swtor account!PM me
  8. I found it thanks.
  9. Pes mou sta ellhnika.Se xasa
  10. That's some dangerous path you're walking. Any non helpful answers are not welcome.Go act mighty somewhere else.
  11. Hello guys I've uploaded some torrents but I can't find a way to seed them. Confusing part. When I download a file and it's complete ,I can seed it.
  12. As greeks we're ages behind so I don't blame you.This is a well-known way in US since BLOGS/FORUMS have a leading role there.Site's legit.There are payment proofs all over their forums of individuals.
  13. After months and months of trying to make some money, I finally did it So thought I would give back to MXC and hopefully help others out! $5-10 a day x 365 days = $1825-3650 a year....simples Here's what I did...... 1. Sign up below: Ref Link: http://www.postloop.com/invite/zeroentity (I'm sharing this for free so it's the least I could ask for.)(PM me for help setting up) NON-Ref Link: http://www.postloop.com 2. Once signed up you will have to write 10 posts on their main forum in order to get accepted (just make sure you write some quality posts and spell check everything) ****UPDATE**** Please do this below in order for it to work To get to the page where you have to write 10 posts, click 'FORUMS' its near the top of the HOME screen in between 'how it works' and 'blogs' this will take you to a page with a big yellow box at the top telling you what you need to do next. A few people are struggling with this Once you have got to the page with a big yellow box, click number one and it will take you to the postloop portal page Sign up using the same username and email that you used to sign upto the main postloop page now go back to the yellow box thingy and complete number two this should subscribe you to postloop and ask you for your details, it should say this in a red box if entered correct now go back to the postloop portal page and complete 10 posts to get accepted once accepted you will be able to post on the main postloop page and start earning some money Confusing I know, dont know why they dont make it simple. 3. When you get accepted, join as many forums as you want, I suggest at least 10 to start with. I use the same name and email addy for everyone to make it easier and quicker 4. After you have signed up for a forum do not write anything straight away, first you have to go back to postloop and then click the 'forums' option to bring up the big list of available forums, once there find the forum you just joined and click the green + button the the right side of it, enter the details in which you signed up with 5. Now start to post in the forums, start with the introductions one first and just say a quick hello and a bit about you 6. After a while you will get rated for your posts. The higher rating you get will mean you get more points, which equals more money. At the minute, its takes me about 100 posts (how many) to earn $5 a day, but if you sign up to say 10 forums, then you only have to post 10 times a day in each forum. Another good way is if you get together with a few people and post on the same forums, you can have a conversation online in the forum with each other and soon rack up points. Another good idea is to make conversations with your friends on the selected forums to boost your comments.
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