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About Blackmore_

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  1. @DontTNT: ok, but i'm talking about the collective so your isolated personal preference does not really matter. @everyone: that lineage eternal looks great but it is a diablo like game. hope it is not lineage 3! also hope that lineage 3 will have nothing to do with tera!
  2. Your opinion on players looking for action is probably based on forum posts of wannabe skill pvp masters or even the NcSoft reasearch that was done when nobody ever tried it or knew how actually the system would be. And Tera surely failed. Look at the top played online games charts in Korea, Tera is far below in the list, below several MMORPGs/RPGs http://www.gamenote.com/rank_ongame/
  3. Yes, i do. Why? I have not tried Tera but i Tried RaiderZ, i wondered if that was a first(actually third) person shooter and that i would be better playing Battlefield 3. Then i left the game in the same day. And well Tera failed.
  4. I totally dislike the "Action Combat" system. And i believe their market research failed. It is a RPG, typically RPG gamers don't want action based combats or action anything, they just want some strategy while the action is simulated by the software.
  5. I tried the l2 file edit but if i drecrypt l2.ini, change the cache and crypt it again, the launcher will just not launch the game. I also tried to use the file decrypted by renaming l2.bin to l2.exe and and then specifing the ini file with a command line. First i was getting a memory alloc error but once it was solved i started getting the error "Can't find file "" " and the game won't start due the mysterious error.
  6. I want to increase the memory cache size. Any solution that works ?
  7. I've played in balanced servers, l2sublimity is one of them. But all servers are crap and the reason is money, it is not possible to make a good f2p server except if it charity. Even the retail is crap right now.
  8. I was paying attention and i noticed the problem is that l2walker is waiting the magic skill reload time to end to only so trigger it again, by triggering before it casts faster.Manually i do 2 hits per second, with l2walker only 1. I guess that attacking by script would solve this problem but i wonder how i could do that properly, the script language is very limited.At first, i would have to use a skill on the current target, not a specified one.I could not find a way of doing that.
  9. Hmm my friend has the same problem, we attack by using Combat Policy.Maybe you did not notice?Try non stop pressing the keyboard to attack while the bot is working to check if you see any difference.
  10. When using l2walker the attack speed is considerably lower then attacking manually.Is there a way to make it as fast as manual, or just faster at least?
  11. i did not pay attention to the guide..it is working fine, thanks
  12. It is the first time i'm trying to use l2walker and it is not working, someone help me to make it work please. Step by step everything i am doing: 1 - I extract the system files(only those) that came in the rar file to the game system folder, everything else i keep in my l2walker folder. 2 - I start the game thru' l2walker.exe and press 'home'. 3 - Then i make a basic combat config as follow: - Combat > Pathing > Define PathPoint - Combat > Pathing > Define PathPoint > Radii 1500 > CurPos > Add - Combat > Policy > Use Far Set > 500 - Combat > Policy > Equip Weapon > Arcana Mace - Combat > Policy > Skill1 > Hydro Blast > Repeat - Combat > Policy > Use Spell > Hydro Blast I can see myself and mobs in the map's combat range then i just go to Basic > Other Ctrl and press Start Combat but nothing happens. :'(
  13. Ok, i'm using l2sublimity walker november update shared on this board. It is the first time i'm trying to use l2walker and it is not working. Step by step everything i am doing: 1 - I extract the system files that came in the rar file to the game system folder, everything else i keep in my l2walker folder. 2 - I start the game thru' l2walker.exe and press 'home'. 3 - Then i make a basic combat config as follow: - Combat > Pathing > Define PathPoint - Combat > Pathing > Define PathPoint > Radii 1500 > CurPos > Add - Combat > Policy > Use Far Set > 500 - Combat > Policy > Equip Weapon > Arcana Mace - Combat > Policy > Skill1 > Hydro Blast > Repeat - Combat > Policy > Use Spell > Hydro Blast I can see myself and mobs in the map's combat range then i just go to Basic > Other Ctrl and press Start Combat but nothing happens. :-\
  14. The point is that there is abslolutely no restrictions, much less because it is 'java' or because it is 'l2j' as it is usual to hear, by the way not even by poor programming ( not the case of some l2J forks nowadays ).Any software can handle as much clients as hardware or OS let it do.Just like L2OFF, L2J can handle any amount of clients with no lag if you have hardware for it.The performance difference is stated, yes, obviously it starts costing more if you get many clients [ L2OFF takes lots of resources even you have only 1 client ].
  15. Question 1: Can L2J handle as many client connections as L2OFF ? Sure. It is elementar and well known by any real programmer that the number of connections can only be limited by the OS, hardware resources or on purpose(source code setup); never by a programming language and or programming platform. Lineage does use the TCP/IP protocol. Microsoft Server OS can handle a theoric number of 16,777,214 concurrent TCP/IP socket connections, however it is by default configured to handle no more than 3977 for an unique IP address, if you reach that number Windows will still handle more conenctions at the cost of poor performance but it can be configured in the OS registry to handle more by default, doing so you won't have any OS related performance issues. Note: On latest MS OS default number has increased. The same is valid for Linux OS, except the numbers, Linux can handle by default about 11,000 connections, however it can be configured for more.Tt will need changes in config files as well in the core kernel. The more live connections, more hardware resources are needed. Question 2: Can L2J handle the same number of clients as L2OFF with the same perfomance? Sure, no restrictions, no lag, nothing. 'WTF! Noob!'.In fact L2OFF has a much better performance to hardware ratio than L2J, as well C++ to Java.It is just a matter of adapting to the necessary hardware; processor and RAM, mostly RAM.For better performance try increasing RAM before anything.There is no way to find out the optimal hardware for your server other than experimenting. L2J being limited is a myth.
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